Anyone had a doc use glue?

My surgeon uses a kind on glue instead of staples or stitches on the external scar. Has anyone had experience with this? My skin rejected the staples from my appendectomy, and left me with a 1/2 inch scar, yuck, so I am happy there is an alternative to staples and itchy stiches. Thanks!    — M. A. B. (posted on February 21, 2001)

February 21, 2001
I had open RNY on 1/8/01 and my surgeon only uses the surgical glue(NO STAPLES!) He uses internal sutures and then the skin glue along the incision line. I believe it is called dermabond. My incision looks great and is pencil- thin. I have no staple-hole scars along the outside of my incision. It really works great and was painless. I remember my surgeon telling me that I would be peeling glue off of me for a long time and he was right! It takes about 4 weeks to completely get rid of the glue along the edge of the incision. It slowly peels off and just when you think you've gotten it all-you'll find more! (I think it reproduces!) Shelley
   — Shelley.

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