How can I find out how the amount of protein in certain foods?

Is there someplace I can find out the number of grams of protein in different foods? For instance, I just had a piece of salmon for lunch, and I have no idea how many grams of protein I just ate?    — Carol R. (posted on January 9, 2001)

January 9, 2001
   — Joy Z.

January 9, 2001
Just my two cents ... I love that dietwatch website. I go there every day to keep track ... it helps me reassure myself on days when I think I'm eating too much. Usually my totals are way under what I "felt" like I ate. Also, when I feel like I am not losing very fast or enough, I do a graph of my weight loss and it shows me that yes, indeed, I am losing! :)
   — Beth B.

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