Insulin Pump Therapy

I am interested in hearing about how other diabetics who used an insulin pump either prior to or post WLS. Thank you,    — Cindy B. (posted on June 17, 2000)

April 25, 2001
I'm on insulin pump therapy and am scheduled for surgery on the 1st of May!!!! Anyone else out there on a pump and are having or have had this surgery?????
   — Heather D.

December 11, 2002
I am on insulin pump therapy and hopefully having surgery in March. i wanted to know if anyone can answer this, If your insulin dependant before surgery, what was your HBA1c?
   — Valerie T.

November 26, 2003
I am also on insulin pump therapy for a little over a year now. I also am looking into wls. I am having an insurance carrier change in January - my diabetes educator is all for it - will be talking to my doctor about it next week and plan on starting the journey. My first couple of months on pump therapy my a1c was 5.2, but is gradually creeping back up. Last one was 7.7. I am hoping a wls will make a dramatic difference. I too am interested in anyone who has been in pump therapy, has long term diabetes and has already had wls.
   — dwhit54

January 2, 2004
I have had an insulin pump since 1995. My a1c is 7.5 the last time it was drawn. Usually without doing anything special it is 8.8. I have been diabetic for 22 years. I finally tried the Atkins diet and have been taking a lot less insulin--like 10-20 units a day less on low carb/high protein. I am pre-op waiting to be sent for insurance approval. E-mail me [email protected]. Hope this helps. Theresa
   — tbarclay

January 2, 2004
I have been a type II diabetic for 26 years. I was on insulin pump therapy for a year. My open rny was October 27, 2003. Since my surgery I have not used my pump or any insulin for that matter. I still check my glucose level every morning. It is well within normal range everyday. I can't believe it!!! I have always had a very difficult time with control. I have my first appointment with my diabetes nurse on January 18th. I can't wait to find out my A1c level. I still have my pump just in case I ever need it again but right now I am certain that isn't going to happen even though I know that once diabetic, always diabetic. It is just such a relief not to be tied to a needle or that pump anymore. Good luck to you. Colleen open rny 10/27/03 306/223/
   — Colleen H.

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