Response: Thanks to all...

Wow. You all are wonderful. Thanks for all of the uplifting comments you sent my way. I wasv devastated by Dr Bell's succinct cold way he said that he wouldn't do it. It just burst my balloon of hope for a different rest of my life. I thought after reading all the info "out-there" that I did qualify for surgery because of my wt alone. My mom has terrible diabetes, heart disease and all of the stuff that goes along with it. All those co-morbs are on both sides of my family. Anyway, you have given me the courage to continue my fight. Love to all , good luck to the ones fighting insurance, a speedy recovery to those just having surgery, and a big YOOHOO to those who are losing wt. "SEE" you on our wonderful WLS site Valerie    — Valerie B. (posted on January 26, 2000)

January 26, 2000
Valerie, look into ( ). See if Dr. Robert Rutledge can help... His patients are getting off of their medication for diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and other stuff. So one door closes! Dr. R. door is wide open! [email protected]
   — terry kaye R.

January 26, 2000
Valerie, Why did your surgeon deny you? I think I missed something.
   — Nicole B.

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