I am 6 weeks post op and suffering from constipation, how can I add fruits & veggies

to my diet at this stage. I am still eating pureed foods and will not move onto solids for another 2 weeks. Can anyone shed some light on how to make my life a little softer????    — Wanda M. (posted on September 14, 1999)

September 14, 1999
Increase your water and add some strained baby prunes...or applesauce....I dont now how much water youre should be drinking at least a couple liters a day right now... De
   — Deanna D.

September 14, 1999
Maybe try the baby food items. There are many of them out there, and most of them are very tasty.
   — [Anonymous]

September 14, 1999
Speak with your doctor. Perhaps you could have natural applesauce (unsweetened) or perhaps he would allow you to eat melon which is very soft ... He may also suggest that you add a little fibercon or something into your diet to help the constipation ... Your doctor is the only one who can truly answer this adequately as he knows your case specifically.
   — Sherrie G.

September 14, 1999
I took Correctol a few times and that helped. I was able to eat Salsa, and veggies at 6 wks. Try cutting down on applesauce, bananas,or cheese as these will constipate you. I am 17 mo post op I had an open RNY distal with a 1cc micro pouch. I've lost 159 # and have kept it there for about the past 3 mo. Hope this helps. Jan Terry
   — Jan T.

September 14, 1999
You can't get enough WATER....and if you are on pureed foods, apples are great because of their fiber content... prune juice is another, maybe less appealing option...I hope this will help some. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

September 14, 1999
I found walking and moving about helped alot.Of course water is very helpful also.
   — Denise B.

September 14, 1999
Hi, Have you tried baby fruit? It might help and is easy to digest. No add sugar either. And best of all the right size portions. Also I am allowed to have diluted apple juice, other clear juices. They might help too. Good luck. Cheri
   — Cheri H.

September 14, 1999
Goodmorning, Well, my solution has always been a cup of strong coffee and a Marlboro .... ha ha, works for me!! ... But I think the healthier way would be to incorporate applesauce, maybe some stewed prunes (which are not bad mixed in the applesauce). Good Luck! Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

March 19, 2000
After 3 weeks with a proximal RnY, my doctor approves the following cooked vegetables: Artichokes, Asparagus, Beans (edible pod & shell), Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Fennel, Garlic, Greens (cooking & salad), Leeks, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Parsnips, Peas, Peppers, Radishes, Scallions, Spinich, Sprouts, Squash (winter or summer), Sunchokes (Jerusalem artichokes), sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips and Rutabaga, Water chestnuts, Bamboo shoots, Hearts of palm, and Jicma. My doctor allows us to begin to add raw vegetables 4-6 weeks after surgery.
   — Shar /.

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