How to start eating bread products post op?

I'm entering my 4th week postop (RNY) and am supposed to start eating small amounts of bread products, according to my dietician. I hear this can sometimes cause problems. Does anyone have any suggestions to make this easier? Thanks--Charlene    — charlene M. (posted on July 30, 1999)

July 30, 1999
I was told to toast my bread when I started eating it at first. I did not have any trouble doing it that way. good luck Lorinda
   — Lorinda M.

July 30, 1999
Start with grainy breads. Crackers. Things that CRUMBLE vs things that WAD. When you get a piece of white bread wet, no matter how much you tear at it with your hands (or teeth) when you squish it back together to go down your throat, it's a WAD. Plugs up that outlet neat as can be! Think CRUMBLY! Waste a 1/4 piece in a bowl of water & see!
   — vitalady

July 30, 1999
Dry Toast. Melba Toast. Matza. Soft breeads and rolls will cause trouble at first. Stay with toasted breads.
   — Robert (Bob) L. P.

July 30, 1999
Hi Charlene. I'm 13 months post-op. The trick to bread is very small bites at first. If you eat to big of a bite it'll get "stuck" and that doesn't feel to good. As time has passed I have found that bread is one of the things I really don't have trouble eating unless it's very dry. Then I just remind myself to take smaller bites. Hope this helps. God bless.
   — Penny W.

July 30, 1999
The only "bread product" I eat would be cereal for breakfast every morning. Bread just takes up space. It isn't something that I enjoy enough to make it worth my while to bother with. I only eat so much at a meal, I'd rather it be something that I like that is good for me.
   — dboat

July 31, 1999
Try starting with crackers or very dark toast. I am 6 months post-op and eat very little bread at all. When I do Iprefer a cracker or melba toast or rye crisp. Regular bread just seems to sit heavy in my stomach
   — Helen W.

August 1, 1999
Toasting the bread will make it easier to eat. By toating it, the bread will not clump together in your new tummy. Good Luck!!
   — Donna D.

August 1, 1999
Charlene, At the 4 week mark you can start using bread products, but try them slowly. Breads can cause you to feel very full even with small amounts. For your first breads - try very thinly sliced bread and toast it - Just like you would do for a toddler. Their first breads are toasts and crackers and biscuits. You will be able to chew these things up much easier and they will be easier to digest. If you would like to see something interesting take a slice of white bread and put it in a bowl of water - this is the same thing it will do in your stomach! Go slowly and use your judgement on how you feel!
   — Jennifer D.

March 8, 2002
I am entering my 4th week too, and have found that for the past week I can tolerate toasted bread. Actually, I can eat about 1/4 of a toasted plain bagel...I just eat very small bites and chew chew chew. I know it takes up space in my tummy (I had open RNY) but I got so tired of soup, I was glad I could tolerate some sort of bread product. Just remember to toast it good, and eat it slowly.
   — ShannonTxgirl

November 18, 2002
I am 2 weeks post op and have tried bread. Not really a problem. Only had a couple of bites. I use the sugar free bread and it is good tasting to me. I found it at Bi-Lo.
   — Pamela T.

November 3, 2003
I am preop, but when i met with the diatician, she said that i should not eat bread that is untoasted. for some reason it does not settle well in the stomake. It is thought that is might expand or something when it is not toasted
   — Jade G.

December 19, 2003
I am three weeks post-op. Havnt tried breads yet. I was informedby the nutrtionist to toast my breads for better digestion
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 19, 2003
You're SUPPOSED to start? Gee we were told to hold off as long as possible on breads (other than crackers) and if we did have bread the first year to make it toast. Of course, by 7 or 8 months I could handle untoasted bread in small amounts. I guess I'd recommend a good low-carb bread (and yes, they DO exist - good ones I mean). I love the 7-7-60 bread from Franz, Snyder and Williams (available in the NW or over the internet). Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 20, 2003
My surgeon's office told us no untoasted breads until we were 6 mos. out and only then if we could tolerate them. I still don't tolerate breads well and rarely indulge in them.
   — Cathy S.

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