Does anyone have to take iron supplements and if so what is your side effects?

I am 8 months pregnant and 2 1/2 years post op. My ob just started me on iron pills because my last blood work showed low iron. Well, most tell me it would constipate me. No such luck here. I have had horrible diarreha. Is this because of my WLS?    — peggyp (posted on September 9, 2005)

September 9, 2005
hey there! No, it's not because of surgery. I was told by my doctor that constipation or diarrhea is what happens with iron pills. I had the opposite reaction as you!*L* I would MUCH rather have not stopped up my system. Talk to your doc about your concerns. He prescribed me something that put me in the middle, much milder.
   — ladygoewyn

September 9, 2005
What type of supplement did your OB recommend? My surgeon orginally put me on ferrous sulfate (the typical iron pills given) and it gave me horrible black diarrhea. I later found out the we do not absorb ferrous sulfate and that another type should be used, like ferrous fumate. I use ferrous fumate and take it with vitamin C. I've never been constipated and my labs are good. By the way, I am 4 years post-op. Good luck!
   — LLinderman

September 9, 2005
they have me taking a multi vitamin with iron and everything work out fine hhope this helps rosemary

September 10, 2005
I have had to take iron meds for most of my life, due to low iron. I always had some type of side effects until now. My surgeon advised me to take Bariatric Advantage. It is a chewable iron table with Vitamin C for better absorbtion. It has a strawberry flavor. You can find it @ Hope this helps. Good luck.
   — Patricia C.

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