Has anyone had pain in a leg before surgery

I have had a pain in the back of my right lower leg for about a month, I feel knots in it and it feels tingly and falls asleep alot , I asked my doctor and she was not concerned, she said if it was a blood clot it would feel hot to the touch, I feel like going to the er but dont want to be paranoid. Has anyone had this problem before surgery?    — melindameyers (posted on June 25, 2005)

June 25, 2005
Melinda, as a patient of having blood clots before it is better to be checked for a blood clot than to be sorry. If the knot is behind the knee and in the calf area, I would have it be checked.
   — TERESA E.

June 26, 2005
You doctor should run a the dopler test on your leg and groin. I am very surprised that she would not be concerened to just play it safe! Personally, I would insist!
   — Karen Renee

June 26, 2005
Yes. I did and yes I had my PCP to order a doppler which came back negative. Unfortunately, I am still experiencing leg pain.
   — Beejay

June 26, 2005
Yes, I had it before surgery it was on the front upper thigh area though. It is like pins and needle at times. I will come and go. It did get worse after surgery and I asked mu doctor aboout it and he said that my body was pulled in many different ways during surgery and it was so to speak dead weight and that it probably aggrevated the already slightly pinched nerve. This is only in my case though. No blood clot or anything.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 27, 2005
Hi, I have similiar pain. Had a MRI and showed a herniated disc compressing on my nerves that shoot down my leg. Have your back checked out. Doc says that most everyone has a herniated disc and it needs something to trigger it (like massive weight loss) to cause it to act up. I go to PT a few times a week but so far nothing is working. Im just trying to avoid back surgery. 280/165/145
   — KellyL

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