web sites that show the surgery

I wanted to know if there are any web sites out there that show the actual surgery, I know a lot of people may think thats strange, but I love watching surgery on TV and have never seen the gastric bypass performed and I want to see first hand what will or hopefully will happen to me. thanks melinda    — melindameyers (posted on June 15, 2005)

June 15, 2005
I actually watched this tonight. Wow!! Hope you can get to see it all. Very interesting.
   — Mutzy Love

June 15, 2005
HI. Here is a website that Dr. Naaman will be performing a surgery live. It is schedule for tonight June 15, @ 5:30 p.m (central) or you can also find this website on the Texas Message Board
   — nomor4me_ty

June 16, 2005
Check out this link. It will take you to the surgery archive at Beth Israel Hospital.
   — DianaE

June 16, 2005
I watched the June 15 one and it is archived. It was way cool and did a lot to reassure me that every thing is going to be OK. This surgeon made the actual chopping look like a piece of cake.
   — Jenny X.

June 21, 2005 watched the whole surgery before I had mine. good luck!
   — George C.

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