Was the doctor at fault?

   — Hugo K. (posted on March 7, 2005)

March 7, 2005
I have no educated answer, but will give you advice to document EVERYTHING!
   — lindarodham6

March 7, 2005
There are independant firms from the hospital that specialize in the investigation/review of how a doctor has handled a hospital stay or the treatment of the patient like what has happened to your wife. I would contact an attorney to find out how this can be investigated. The majority of the members on this site are lay people and have no real good knowledge of medical issues like this and we really cannot comment in a professional way to your question. I am so sorry this had to happen to you and your wife, I will be praying for you, her and the new medical team to have strength and for them to use the knowledge that they were given by God to pull everyone through all this. I faced a major medical challenge (pancreatitis) back in '91 with my gall bladder being taken out and had a 117 day hospital stay and what sustained my husband was prayer.
   — ChristineB

March 7, 2005
you have a legal right to copies of all medical records. Remember, doctors are as human as everybody else. You also have the right to ask for a meeting with the doctors involved in her care and ask them how often theis happens. Give them a chance to explain, listening with an open mind. Also to consider, every surgery has risks. Laproscopic has its own set of problems. It may be minimally invasive but the view is just not the same. This is why I chose an open RNY. Are you satisfied that they are doing what is necessary to correct the damage? You also have the right to have an attorney examine her records and let his medical consultants review her chart to determine is proper standards of were met. No one here can assign blame or fault, We are not experts, just a support system. good luck to you, hope youe wife is better soon.
   — **willow**

March 7, 2005
I have nothing legal to support my answer, but no it is not normal to cut the bile duct. This is a very serious thing, as you are finding out. It definitely should be investigated to determine what happened. Good luck and I'll keep your wife in my thoughts and prayers for a full and speedy recovery.
   — zoedogcbr

March 8, 2005
most people don't know that there is a recording and transcript of all operation, and if you ask for it the hospital must give it to you.
   — Peggy R.

March 9, 2005
First let me say that doctors do make mistakes. Of course they don't document it so that it sounds like THEY did it. I know from experience. Ask for a complete copy of your wife's medical records. Do it NOW. Some not so trustworthy docs will change the documentation. The surgical report will be interesting. I have a complete copy of my record for my last hospital stay. First, take care of your wife, then call someone who can help you with this. It sounds like you need a personal injury lawyer. They won't take your case if they don't think the doc is at fault, and the consultation is free. Good luck. You can email me if you have any other questions. I am an RN.
   — debi327

March 9, 2005
I can say with certainty that this is not a common complication from gallbladder removal surgery. You should get the medical records and see a lawyer or at least another surgeon to get an opinion. My prayers are with you and your wife. I hope she recovers quickly now. I imagine she is in a lot of pain with this so be good to her. Cathy
   — catleth

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