
Not that this is is a dating site, but I'm just curious. Was scroling through some old Q & A to see if someone (anyone!) could offer some insight to the traumas and dramas associated with trying to learn how to be in the dating world, and ran across a couple (ANDREW R and JOYCE ?) who I assume met through AMOS (I assume)...this seems like the third or fourth I know about. Would like to hear other, similar stories. Somebody give me hope for 2005!    — rebeccamayhew (posted on December 19, 2004)

December 20, 2004
Is not the Q & A Section designed for ALL aspects of WLS - psychological, physical, and everything in between? While I appreciate the link you provided (because I only tend to peruse the photos and Q & A), I really don't appreciate feeling chastised for posting what I felt was a legitimate, cogent and interesting question. And obvioulsy, the Mods agreed, because they posted it...Happy holidays. RCM
   — rebeccamayhew

December 20, 2004
Just wanted you to know that I think your question was perfectly "alright" to ask on this Q & A site...lots of people ask about how other people deal with their spouse or whatever....I'm sure you could also start chatting in the WLS chat room. Good luck to you! I met my husband via chat room in yahoo.....
   — Heather D.

December 20, 2004
I feel that since this site is informative on ALL aspects of WLS, ANY question can and should be asked...if people aren't happy with the topic shown...then don't open the darn link to read the question.
   — Hypnocutie Cha CHa

December 20, 2004
I thought it was interesting - first one I clicked on today! I met my husband online through a BBW site before I had surgery...
   — jen41766

December 21, 2004
Rebecca, you might also want to post the question over on the yahoo grad board..I know of a few couples myself that met thru WLS, either in a support group or on line. Good question!
   — Cindy R.

December 21, 2004
It's fine with me that you asked this question! I met my husband over the internet thru AOL and we have been married over 8 years. have fun and remember you get to choose the man you want to be with. It's your choice.
   — catleth

December 29, 2004
You posting this question is fine, I thought it was interesting and I clicked on it asap. It seems it's ok to post about the size of your bowel movement, or that you smell bad in your privates, which I think are questions that should NEVER be posted nor do I even want to hear about, YUK!! but not one about dating, come on.
   — Carey N.

December 29, 2004
If you would check out the girl who didn't think this was approiate to post on this q and a board...if you would check her profile out you would see she is all about rules structure etc...She has a do not copy her profile thingie going on.....So whatever..the question was fine to ask
   — JenLynn

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