Anyone know of a hospital that will pay for the procedure of skin removal if donated

   — sherrimayne (posted on July 20, 2004)

July 19, 2004
I am sorry to tell you that this is an urban myth. No hospital does this.
   — Ann B.

July 19, 2004
Unfortunately, your skin is stretched out and damaged from the weight gain and subsequent loss. It is of no use other than from a research standpoint. My PS asked if I would like to donate my skin to the University hospital research lab which I agreed to. Hey, if someone can get some use out of my skin, they are welcome to it. But as far as buying it or paying for PS, no. Urban myth.
   — Margaret S.

July 21, 2004
If this old gem was true, former WLS folks would be lined up for miles to donate!
   — koogy

July 23, 2004
Yep...urban myth. Would be nice, though. The skin is uaually damaged, and skin is highly anigenic, meaning a transplant is still years away from even being possible. There are teaching hopsitals with trainee or resident physicians who can do the surgery at a discount....just be sure and check with other patients or see lots of photos before going this route.
   — DrL

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