Will a few weeks make a difference?

My bmi is 42. The past couple of weeks I've noticed my sugar levels are "wacked out". For example, I get shaky and dizzy (like I'm going to pass out) if I don't eat regularly. Even after I do eat sometimes it takes hours for that shaky feeling to go away. Even if I eat cereal in the morning I get shaky and extremely tired. I just don't feel quite right. Does this mean my obesity is causing me to become diabetic. If so, should I ask my surgeon if I can move my date up. My surgery date is June 24th. Is a few weeks going to make a difference? In the meantime is there anything I can do myself to keep from having to go on medication? I think I'm borderline diabetic.    — Teri F. (posted on March 30, 2004)

March 30, 2004
Have you called your doctor? You probably need to have some tests run. I know I had that "shaky" feeling continually when I had Graves disease (hyperthyroidism). All my friends and family thought it was diabetes but I always tested fine on that. Turned out my thyroid was going crazy. My hands were so shaky I couldn't write my name legibly and my heart rate was over 120 all the time. Sometimes it seemed that eating something helped but many times it didn't help at all. So bottom line, I'd say get with your doctor and get a thorough check up. Hope you find an answer.
   —  SCbabe B.

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