I'm curious...I asked this question once last year, but

I thought I would ask again to generate a few more responses for my paper. About June 2003, I had asked a question about 'Colon Cleansing' (you can check the library) and some had mentioned that they preferred taking a laxative...others said that the colon is "self-cleaning", still others mention that it is not necessary or felt that the doctor has to order it or one would have to have a family history of colon cancer. Well, I think some would be surprised at how you feel AFTER you have one. Has anyone had or do you get your colon cleansed? Several members have since e-mailed me to let me know that I just gave them the "inspiration" to finally get one done...I was THOROUGHLY pleased that I finally had one. We can all eat our fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and all, BUT there was SO MUCH inside of me, that after it was all done, I noticed several pounds GONE!!I'm now closer to my goal than before, not to mention the added energy I have. I'll do it again in a heartbeat, and I know that some are still opposed to having one done, I'm not trying to even tell you to, I will, however, say that IF you are into alternative, complementary, all-natural, holistic or integrative health; it is well worth it. Some of the Long Term Post ops on this site have and continue to go and soon, as I mentioned before, I'm in a graduate program for it. IF the cleanse it done by a degreed, certified and/or licensed professional, no harm can come to you. It's obvious that some "traditional or conventional" doctors oppose having it done because little, if any, is taught in medical school~~incidently, the same is true about nutrition...very few doctors (especially surgeons) know that much about nutrition or colon cleansing. Some don't even care to since it would "take money out of their hands" becuase the clients/patients would stop going. I've learned to take care of myself once I was diagnosed with Metastatic Liver Cancer. Several months ago, I was told the growth was the size of a golf ball. NOW, it's the size of a know, $0.5! Don't say that it's a "myth" that there are years of "stuff" in your colon UNLESS you have the proof and medical documentation. A prep kit does NOT clean out your entire colon. We're not talking about colon cleansing as a means or alternative to losing weight, so it has absolutely nothing to do with fat or anything. I can just about tell there many, really are not familiar with the benefit of having it done. Go ahead, do your homework...just like WE did while researching our WLS. It did not cause my electrolytes to be off balance. It did NOT affect the balance of my body natural body fluids or anything. You are not given anything ~~it's done with purified water. I don't regret having it done and I know it entirely up to the individual. Being constipated (consistently) and having incomplete bowel movements on a regular basis is worth checking out. STAY away from laxatives; unless you use a natural herb like Senna, Cascara Sagrada and there are a few others. For those of us in the Natural or Holistic Medicine & Nutrition profession, KNOW...just like my sister members, Cindy Rubin, Michelle Curran, Linda Almonte Suzy C, and perhaps many more KNOW about vitamin and mineral intake, protein values, DS, etc., I've become more familiar with my field and will say that even though others may not agree with colon cleansing, I'd do it again in a heartbeat, and will empower my clients with the information, and let them make their own decision. I'm not knocking YOUR decision to have or not have one~just want to make information available and share my knowledge. Naturopathic physicians cannot diagnose (even though we have the knowledge). We do, however work alongside the medical doctors. I am, interested in your responses: Pros & Cons. It will give me more to add to my dissertation. Thanks for helping me to be the best I can be with this, and please, reply but not light flames, throw darts, or be ugly. I want to use your observations, comments, and thoughts. Where did you obtain your information? Please keep and honest, open mind. It might be a good idea to research Dr. Andrew Weil. This professional IS a medical doctor, who went to Yale or Harvard (I don't have his bio in front of me). He is well qualified and has years of expertise. Of course there are others, but I am most impressed with his thoughts, theories, recommendations and teachings. Thanks again, for your welcomed input! Proximal LAP RNY 9/3/02, 5'2" 265/138/115-126; Hadiyah McCutcheon, a.k.a.~~~~    — yourdivaness (posted on January 12, 2004)

January 12, 2004
I have been thinking about doing colon cleansing. Can you explain the procedure alittle bit, and did it hurt?
   — Susie T.

January 12, 2004
I have had a few colon cleansings but they were all pre-op. No it does not hurt. It felt kinda weird at first, not to get too graphic but at first I kept thinking the tube was going to fall out and so my muscles wer tight. I finally decided to let it fall out and relaxed, that's when I discovered it wasn't the tube but my sh-t coming out. But I still did not get much benefit. The guy who ran it (who happens to be licnesed and my reflexologists husband) said that sometimes larger people have more gas and have more problems getting things out (not a direct quote). The second and third visits did not get hardly anything, so I stopped and decided I was just not as full of it as everyone was always telling me :)
   — Tricia S.

January 12, 2004
I try to do two series of 3 per year. It's amazing the difference after a series. You know, 3 appts, within a week or so. Then another 3 appts, but about 6 months later.
   — vitalady

January 12, 2004
Would this also be considered a "High colonic"? I am a month post op and have had problems with constipation and was thinking I need a good cleansing, and here was your info. Where would one begin to look for someone qualified to do such a procedure?
   — Arlyne F.

January 13, 2004
I have always done colon cleaning - and find it essential - the colon can hold "old fecal" material - found in many patients - and when autospy's are done as what is ingested can get stuck in the colon - after learning about the digestive systems - and how a lot of people eat and never give the colon a rest - or how particles become blocked - I would never go through life without cleaning my colon. Personally, pre-Op I did it 1 time a month - but even 1 time a year is acceptable for most people. Thanks for the additional information.
   — Anna M.

January 14, 2004
Hadiyah, YOU GO GIRL!!! I agree 100% with everything you said, especially the part about the doctors not being trained in medical school about nutrition. That is SO TRUE!! Yet so many still believe that what their Dr. tells them is gospel. I agree it is our responsibility to educate ourselves regarding our own health and nutritional needs. As a registered nurse I totally agree with the colon cleanse. I have some very good information on colon cleansing on my website that might be of interest to many of you. The product name is "NutriClean Digestive & Colon Maintenance". This is a 7-day cleansing system designed to revitalize your digestive system with select nutrients and botanicals that cleanse and mildly purge the body of accumulated and potential toxins. I am NOT in any way trying to sell you this specific product, but there is some very good information on colon cleansing in general for anyone that may be interested in educating themselves on this topic. The website address is I hope this info helps you! Patti RN (open RNY 6-26-03) -98lbs
   — Patti S.

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