Anyone 5ft. 2in. start at 265 or more...what are you weighing now?

Hello Everyone! I'm curious how the long term post ops that are the same height as myself~especially Michelle Curran, Suzy C., Cindy Rubin, (and anyone else that would like to be included) where you are right now in your WLS journey? What do your meals consist of? Having trouble staying with your exercize regimen? I seem to be at another plateau these days. I must admit, since diagnosis of metastatic liver cancer back a couple of months ago, I've not had much energy to exercize very much. I'm feeling better now, though. Can anyone help me out and get these last 20 pounds off? LAP RNY 9/3/02 265/142-148/125 Suggestions?? Feel free to email me privately, if you prefer. Thanks a lot in advance!!    — yourdivaness (posted on January 6, 2004)

January 6, 2004
hi i am also 5 2 and had my surgery sept 9th i weighed in at 295 and am now 220 just about 4 month out 75 gone i try to work out at least three times a week hope this helps with your question
   — mary M.

January 6, 2004
I had my surgery on nov.6th 2002 I started at 275 and am now at 125 I am alittle taller than you at 5'3. I eat pretty much what I want, I dont dump and ate alot of surgery goodies over the holidays, but didnt put any weight back on. I still do my shake in the mornings, and have never really exercized. I try to stay under 1200 calories but sometimes I know I go over. I still cant eat awhole lot at one sittinging but it is more than a few months ago. any time you want to talk email me. good luck
   — terri R.

January 6, 2004
I am 3 years post op (1/8/01) and I started at 264 and am 5'2". I am currently weighing 123. However, over the last few months I have noticed my weight creep up a little bit. I will occasionally weigh 127, but it seems to come back down with little effort. I have never exercised (not something I am proud of)and I don't eat any differently than "normal" people. I am sorry I can not help you with any particular suggestions. Please know, I am hoping for your good health. Is losing weight a recommended focus for you right now? I am certain proper nutrition would be a goal. I wish you all the best. Shelley
   — Shelley.

January 6, 2004
Hi I started at 260 Im 5'3 had WLS on 4-16-03 have lost 110plus pds I just go and get weighted 1 time a mth now i do not own a scales Like the othe psts I have not excersied I do some when I think about it just lifting small weights and I eat about anything I want I watch fats and sugar can not tolrate them very much at all I do not count carbs or cals I just eat till i feel full and as soon as i feel full i stop I try to eat 4 to 5 small meals a day that includes snacks and drink as much liquid as i can and i do drink reg sodas but it takes me about 2 days to drink a 20oz soda and i just drink a few sips at a time every few hrs Best of luck to you Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

January 6, 2004
I'm 5'1", was 262. Lost 150. But of course, that varies day to day. Hang out around 110 mostly. Been not too well for a lil while, got WAY down, then felt fine and went back to my 110 neighborhood. I do not follow an exercise regimen. I do lots of protein shakes to control my eating, volume and carbs. I eat 4 "meals" a day, take vites when I eat, eat when I take vites. I eat NORMAL food, including carbs and fats. What I avoid is milk, sugar & grazing. Remember I am very, very distal, though. And I had the same program from the time of my surgery. That might make a difference, might not. AND I am motivated by fear of going back where I was. For dinner last night, for example, I had corn, spinach and a baked potato. Odd meal, isn't it? Chicken was there, but it's not one of my better foods, much as I love it. Remember, I get my protein via shakes, so that's not an issue. I cannot remain on a "diet" all these years. A few restrictions I can accept, better than the restriction of having non-funcational lungs! But I do eat normal food.
   — vitalady

January 6, 2004
I'm 5'2 and weighed 248 on surgery day. I now weigh 125. I'm a little over 2 years post-op. Exercise and portion control are the keys to getting the weight off. Even if you take off the remaining amount of weight, you will ALWAYS have to do these things. Otherwise, it's real easy to gain weight back. Consider exercise a necessary evil. No one likes to do it, but to maintain what you've lost, you have to.
   — Patty H.

January 6, 2004
I'm 5' nothing . . . surgery was 5/29/03, started at 238, this morning I was 154, down 84 pounds!
   — lorien

January 6, 2004
I'm 5'2.5" and started at 316. I had RNY on 10/15/02 and am now weighing in at 187 for a loss of 129. I would still like to lose another 20 to make me satisfied (though I'd still be considered overweight), 40 would be great, but I think unrealistic. I've been going to the gym for 45 minutes, 5 days a week for 6 months, but I've been stuck at about the same weight for a while. I did have trouble during the holidays with the carbs, but I'm back on track. Breakfast is 1/4c lofat cottage cheese and 2T Atkins cereal and 6oz sf yogurt. Lunch is baby spinach with fat free turkey and a little salad dressing. Dinner is about 4-5 oz steak or chicken with one spear of brocolli. I also eat about 1/4c walnuts if I get hungry in between. I drink tons of water. Good luck.
   — Yolanda J.

January 6, 2004
I'm 5'2" started out at 282 the night before surgery, 5/15/03. I'm now down to 176, down 106 in 7 1/2 months. I've hit a few platues, and the weight loss is a bit slower now, but as long as it's coming off, and not back on, I'm Good luck to you :-)
   — KellyJeanB

January 6, 2004
I had my surgery at 5ft 2 inches and I was 237 the day of my surgery. I'm now 165 still have more to go. I'm open for suggestions too!
   — joeyds1970

January 6, 2004
Hi, I am fairly new to all this but I wanted to give you my progress so far.. not sure if its any help to you though.. I am 5'2" and I had my surgery (rny) on November 17,2003. I weighed 284 on the day of the surgery and I now weigh 237, down 37 pounds.. no exercise program yet though.. I have a slight stricture so haven't been keeping food down only liquids... going for scope tomorrow.. hope this helps
   — Tammy M.

January 7, 2004
Hi there,i started at 261.5 and 5 ft 2.5 inches tall i had my surgery on 8/14/02 and i am currently 161 i was 154 but have gained some weight over the holidays...:( i am now lowcarbing eating mostly meat,veggies and some fruit i do have a bowl of raisin bran sometimes ..... i am also drinking protein shakes and eating bars...i am doing walk away the pounds 2 mile high calorie burn for exercise with weights for toning,hope this helps.... open rny w gall bladder removal 8/14/02 261.5/161/129
   — nice n sweet B.

January 7, 2004
Hey Sweetie, you can check my profile as I keep it fairly updated...however, the stats are as follows (as of this morning anyways). Started 5'3 (still am), 249 on 2/8/02 and almost 2 years later am maintaining at 148-150. This morning was 150 (grrrr) but I was 152 right after the holidays. Yikes!! So I am working my way back down. Considering that we are only 1 inch different, let me suggest 125 a realistic weight for you to achieve and most of all MAINTAIN. If your like me and LOVE to eat, to include snacking, then 125 is not realistic. Most of those who achieve 125 or lower do not snack, or do very little of it! I purposely stopped at 147 and a size 10 not because I could not get lower, it would not have been difficult to get to a size 6-8 and perhaps 130, but keeping it there would have only happened if I was willing to be stricter with my food choices (read: snacking!!). I am sooo happy with the decision I made. I can eat just about anything I want, and do, and as long as I keep up the exercise and watch the scale, occasionally having to cut back some, I maintain for the first time in my life. As far as a normal days worth of food for me, not much different than whats on my profile. Breakfast is usually 1 and half scrambled eggs with melted cheese and a dollop of veggie chili on top. On the weekends, I will allow myself a 1/2 to 3/4 of a bagel and cream cheese along with a protein shake. If hungry before lunch, 1/2 a protein bar or if goodies at work, I will indulge in 1/2 a donut or 1/2 a muffin...most of the time though I do not snack before lunch. Lunch is usually 1/2 a turkey sandwich on multigrain with a few WOW chips or 1/2 of a deli meats over a big salad. On the weekends, I will have 1/2 a grilled sandwich at a fast food restuarant if I'm out and about. No fries. Mid afternoon snack-the other 1/2 of my salad from lunch or a can of tuna over crackers..way home from work is usually fruit and/or protein bar. Dinner is some type of grilled meat/chicken or fish with veggie, and sometimes I'll have a little pasta or rice or potato but not too often. After dinner snacks (2 or 3 night) range from a small handful of cookies to a handful of nuts, mini ice cream sandwiches, hersheys kisses, mini candy bars. Some nights I will have 2 or 3 snacks, other nights maybe one. Obviously if the scale creeps up, those are the first to go...I work out 3 times a week-4 if I need to, but I have never enjoyed working out. I do so because I have to if I want to snack!! I have no trouble with it-I just do it whether I am in the mood or not. Period. Exceptions are if I am sick..but I try never to let a week go by without working out...I'm soooo glad you are feeling better. But please, go easy on yourself. You have had a serious illness and its important to get your rest. You are one of my favorite posters!!
   — Cindy R.

January 7, 2004
I am 5'2" and I started out at 287... I had open RNY on 9-16-02.I am 15-16 months out and have lost 131 lbs... I am so happy now I can't even begin to describe.... I eat pretty much what ever I want but always eat PROTEIN first...I never go over 10 gms of sugar in any one serving of anything... (this is to help me not to dump which I have never done up to this point!) I am happy with myself now but according to the books I should lose another 21-31 lbs... if I do that will be great but if I don't that will be fine too!!! My hubby is happy right where I am!!!! Truly I eat as normal as I can... I didn't want to have to go through the rest of my life following this diet or that diet... I eat whatever my family is having... I just choose more wisely!!! Good Luck with your weight loss and I will be praying for your total healing where your liver mets is concerned. God Bless! Susan Hardway
   — Susan H.

January 7, 2004
Hi, I am 11 months out 5'3" starting weight of 268. This morning I weighed in at 115#s
   — hooterzgirl75

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