sever sleep trouble

My apena is severe here are the numbers for me. Pressure 14, OXY level goes to 62%, stop breathing 112 time per hour that 1 every 30 seconds. oh yea pre mature arterial contractions during sleep. frank    — frankdmayo (posted on November 26, 2003)

November 25, 2003
Frank, I also have sleep apnea at a setting of 10. My doctor told me to bring my CPAP to the hospital and use it. I wouldn't be able to sleep without it especially since I will be laying on my back. I have used it since 1997. Once I lose significant weight I expect the sleep apnea to go away, but I will have to be reevaluated by my pulmonary doctor and have a new sleep study before I will feel comfortable enough to stop using it. Best of Luck. Carolyn
   — Carolyn B.

November 26, 2003
My cpap levels were 14 and I weighed 448 lbs. No other co-morbidities though. Was sent to a respitory specialist and put through my paces. Was operated on (Open RNY) in July 2003. While in the hospital, respirologists visited me every night around 10 pm to make sure my c-pap was working and that I was using it. The first couple of nights they augmented my c-pap output with some pure oxygen to raise my oxygen levels, but after that my c-pap alone was enough. That's just me, though. Others will differ.
   — defatbroad

November 26, 2003
I just had a follow up with my neurologist. I also have a setting of 14 on m cpap. I do not have the oxygen issues you do. He told me that I need to see him in 6 months, as I will have had surgery by then, and dropped a significant amount of weight. I was curious as to how I will know, when I need my setting lowered and he said it would be akin to holding my head out the window of a moving car. LOL I also had my consult today with my bariatric surgeon, and he told me to bring my cpap machine to the hospital when I go to have surgery.
   — D. K.

November 26, 2003
Hi Frank, I had my surgery June 11, 2003. At that time, I was using bi-pap (my pressure is different for inhaling than for exhaling). My "in" pressure was 18, the "out" was 12. I am down 87 pounds, so my sleep specialist wanted me to have a new sleep study--she thought I may be able to come off the machine altogether. Alas, my pressures are going down, but I do have to keep using the bi-pap. <b> At one time, I had quite a problem with PACs (premature atrial contractions). The culprit causing this was caffine...from coffee, chocolate, and sodas. Once I cut my caffine intake, my PACs have gone away. They really aren't very serious, unless they throw your heart rate up too high. I found them uncomfortable because I was so aware of them. <br> Just be sure to take your machine with you to the hospital. Remember, you will be monitered closely during surgery and recovery. If you have any problems with your heart rhythm, they are right there to see that you have excellent care! Linda Strawbridge, RN
   — Linda S.

November 26, 2003
Sleep apnea was my worst co-morb. Oxy dropping into the 60's, 125 events per hour, CPAP at 15. It's gone now. I sleep, I breathe. What a concept!
   — vitalady

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