I'd love to hear from LTPO who have made it to goal

Hi - I started out in my journey weighing 262 at 5ft5inches. I had surgery on 2/3/03 and I'm worried that I'm stuck. (I've lost 90 lbs) Can I hear some news from my AMOS friends who have made it to goal - what was goal and how long did it take you to get there - thanks!!!    — Sara L. (posted on November 4, 2003)

November 4, 2003
Hi! I will be 3 years post-op on November 10th. I started at 287 and I am 5'5". It took me right at a year and a month to hit 130. The next year I kept going down to 118 and was afraid of getting too thin. Everyone kept saying how emaciated I looked so I put on a few more pounds. I have been stable at 125-130 for a year now. My original goal was just to get down to 150. I hit that after about 10 months. I never dreamed I could get down this low. I contribute my success to the fact that I NEVER drink with meals and I wait at least one hour to drink after. I also drink nothing but water. No caffeine, no carbonation, no juices, milk, etc. Just water. I have a time line on how many pounds I lost in each month on my personal webpage that has a link on my profile page. Good luck to you!
   — danabky

November 4, 2003
I don't know what your goal is, but you seem to be doing well. I am 5'3, was 249 and am now 148, within a few pounds of my goal after 21 months. I purposely did not set my goal too low as I was more concerned that I would be one of those who go down to those magic small sizes and then wonder why they can't maintain. Its no secret, the less you weigh the less calories to maintain, so whatever your goal, make it realistic so that you won't struggle when you reach past the 18 month window. As for how long it took, there is a month by month loss at the bottom of my profile.
   — Cindy R.

November 4, 2003
I started out at 242 5'41/2" I weigh 142 and had my surgery on February 26th. Went to my doc today and he said it is common for those who have lost approx. 90% of excess to stick for a bit here. Shake it up by exercising, keeping good eye on calorie consumption.... You are doing very good. I was told today that I was ahead of the average loser by about 4 to 5 months, so you are right there too.
   — dimpkd

November 4, 2003
I was 5'1", 262. Been at goal for 8 yrs (WLS 9 yrs). If the date on the calendar is 2/3/07, you might ask if your wt loss is done. You're not done yet.
   — vitalady

November 4, 2003
Hey, you are doing GREAT!!!! You aren't stuck yet, okay?? I started at 378 on December 13, 2001. By May 5, 2003 I was down 212 lbs and within ten pounds of goal. I'm only back up in weight because I got pregnant... lol! So, in 16 months I lost nearly all my excess weight! Don't fret yet, okay? I went through TONS of plateus, too... they get discouraging, but you can break them! (I'm 5'6.5", btw) Hugs -- Sharon
   — Sharon m. B.

November 4, 2003
Today is my 2 year anniversary of my WLS!! I'm down 125 pounds and weigh in at 127 pounds. It took me about 10 months to get to goal.
   — Patty H.

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