I am trying to find out how long the normal hospital stay is for hernia repair?

I am trying to find out the normal hospital stay for hernia repair. I am scheduled for incisional ventral hernia repair with mesh on friday am . I also have a "GI tract that is Wide Open" report from my EGD scope I had last week - I assume this means my stoma is wide open since I can eat huge amounts of food and have not lost for 3-4 months. . The surgeon had said he would fix this at the same time if something showed up on my EGD. So far I have not got a confirmation from their office as to what they are going to do for sure - this is making me a nervous wreck. I'm sure I am their patient from hell since I keep calling trying to find out. My insurance only approved a 23 observation for my hernia repair. I don't know if I will get more time with the repair to my stoma or wahtever is exactly wrong. Anyone else ever had any of these things happen to them ? How long were you in the hospital for hernia repair. Mine is quite large - I look like I am about 6 months pregnant. Thanks, Kelly    — Kelly B. (posted on September 24, 2003)

September 24, 2003
Because of the potential stoma issue this may not apply to you. My mom had hernia repair at age 77 and it was outpatient. Surgery was at about 11:30 am and she left the hospital a little after 5pm. In most cases if all they are doing is a hernia I think it is outpatient. I hope they figure out the food quantity issue and resolve it too. That has to be extremely frustrating after having surgery to eat less.
   — zoedogcbr

September 25, 2003
Most hernia repairs are same day surgery, however, if you don't do well in the recovery period of if there is a good reason for you to stay, the hospital will get in touch with your insurance company to explain why you need to stay longer - nothing to worry about.
   — bethybb

September 25, 2003
I had hernia repair with mesh and I was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days and my hernia was pretty large.
   — 1nastywench

September 26, 2003
I had a large hernia repaired and stayed 2 days, however I was also recovering from a bowel obstruction caused by the hernia. I also could not urinate until the 2nd day after surgery and had to have a catheter.
   — **willow**

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