Does anyone have pain in incisions that is keeping them up?
I am 3 weeks out. I started out lap and they ended up opening me. I am having pain with my open scare and one of my lap ones. The open sits under my bra and is keeping me up at night it hurts so bad. It feels like bums where the staple dots are. Does anyone else have this problem or any ideas other than not wearing a bra? — steffsmom (posted on August 21, 2003)
August 21, 2003
I'd call the doctor to mention it to him/her to make sure your incision is
healing properly. In the meantime, leave the bra off at night and put some
type of pad where your incision and binder meet.
— Starrlina
August 21, 2003
I had exactly the same thing after my surgery..Are you diabetic ? I was and
for this reason I would not heal properly and I don't remember what it is
called but mine was a collection of blood from the surgery that normally
disolves but mine did not and they had to lance the incision.It hurt for a
little while but within 24 hours I felt great...I gave up the bra for
almost 6 weeks and wore t shirts .bobbie
— Bobbie D.
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