Post-op 8 days has anyone had troubling sleeping? Dont sleep at all.

   — blainejrjeni (posted on August 15, 2003)

August 15, 2003
I am 15 days post-op. I had a terrible time sleeping the first few nights home simply because I couldn't get comfortable. I would sleep some in the bed and some in the reclincer. I didn't actually sleep through the night until I was about 8 or 9 days post-op.<p>Do you take a pain pill before going to bed? That may help. Good luck on finding a solution to your sleeplessnes.
   — Rachel T.

August 15, 2003
I'm going to go the other way on this. If you ARE currently taking pain pills, believe it or not, SOMETIMES they can cause sleeplessness. This happened to me, and I know it can happen with other medications that cause drowsiness as well. Just something to ponder... Also, try reading a book or watching a REALLY boring television show when you can't sleep. Something warm (and non-caffienated) to drink can help, or even a very warm shower. Good luck, and good sleeping! (Proximal OPEN RNY, 7/7/03; 227.6/200.2/133.0)
   — sweetmana

August 15, 2003
I really think it takes up to a couple of weeks to get all the anesthesia and pain meds out of our system to get our bodies re-regulated to our normal sleep patterns. I was very restless for quite some time, although I was quite tired. 8 days is still very new pre-op, so I hope that you are listening to your body's need for rest and recovery. Don't expect to feel great or sleep through the night for another week or two. Take it easy! God Bless! Gerry
   — Gerry Y.

August 15, 2003
I didn't sleep much either. That was because I have to sleep on my side or front and with my drains, I could only sleep on my back. It was a few weeks before I had a good night's sleep.
   — mrsmyranow

August 15, 2003
I had a problem sleeping the first few weeks. I didn't have any pain so didn't take pain medication; however, my doctor recommended I take 2-3 children's chewable Benedryl (sp). This did help me sleep for several hours but not the whole night. Congratulations and best of luck on your journey!
   — Deanna C.

August 15, 2003
I was told by my doctor's office that the anethesia causes the problem. The problem for me went away by about 3 1/2 weeks post op. Good luck.
   — ChristineB

August 15, 2003
Yes, I had a lot of trouble sleeping, the pain meds seemed to really disturb my sleep... so I quit taking them, and was still having some trouble... I took ambien two nights (by prescription), and have been sleeping like a baby ever since.
   — Kelly B.

August 15, 2003
I am also a "side sleeper" and couldn't hardly get any sleep on my back. Once I was able to sleep on my side again, about 1 1/2 wk. post-op, I was sleeping almost as much as normal. And once I got all of the staples out, about 2 1/2 wks. post-op, I slept like a baby!
   — Wendy T.

August 15, 2003
i did not have any trouble sleeping. I slept in my bed soon as I got home from the hospital. I did sleep on my back though. I had lot of pillows elevated for comfort. I really did not experience any pain until around bed time, that is when I would take my pain medication. The pain medication is what help me have a restful night of sleep.
   — Just P

August 15, 2003
I am eight weeks post op and had a very hard time sleeping right off but it will get better soon the you think.
   — lynniec

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