How do I get a TT with my hernia repair?

I'm confused - where do I start to try to get a TT with my hernia repair. A general surgeon won't do it and I don't think a plastic surgeon will do a hernia repair. HELP! I'm so confused but I know that people have it done all the time.    — Sara L. (posted on August 14, 2003)

August 14, 2003
From my experience (hopefully other will have more experiences to offer you) the surgeon who did your gastric bypass would do the hernia repair and TT. Mine does.

August 14, 2003
The surgeon who did my open RNY did my hernia repair and panniculectomy. My insurance will never pay for an abdominoplasty but does sometimes pay for a panniculectomy so that is the route I chose.
   — Patty_Butler

August 14, 2003
Plastic surgeons do do hernia repairs. What is the difference between abdominoplasty and paniculectomy? I sure am gonna need something along that line!
   — Chris T.

August 14, 2003
Abdominoplasty is where the muscles are tightened in addition to having the extra tummy fat and skin removed. The Pani surgery removes the fat and skin on the tummy only.
   — cherokey55

August 14, 2003
panniculoctomy (?) is when they just remove the skin, abdominoplasty is where they also tighten the muscles. i had hernia repair and abdominoplasty done. my insurance denied the first time but i appealed and was approved. plastic surgeons will do both.
   — candymom64

August 14, 2003
It depends on the type of hernia. Some are repaired with an abdominoplasty(tummy tuck) done by a plastic surgeon. Other types of hernias are repaired surgerically by general surgeons. Talk with your doctor further.
   — Wendy K.

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