Question about bowel prep!!

I live @1 hour from where my surgery is going to take place on 8/18. 2 days prior to surgery, Im on clear liquids. The day before surgery I have to take erythromycin and neomyacin and do the Golytely thing. The question is: Will I make it to the hospital with no pit stops on the way!?!!?    — kathy B. (posted on August 8, 2003)

August 7, 2003
I'm sure everyone is different but I was an hour away also and had no problem. Everything was gone the day before.
   — sandy L.

August 8, 2003
I live about 1 hour from the hospital and I had no'll be fine!! Good Luck! Lori
   — ROUENY819

August 8, 2003
Are you doing the GoLytely the night before or the morning of? If your doing it the night before you'll be alright. I still havd a few bathroom breaks the morning after I did mine, but not near as many as the night before!
   — Melissa M.

August 8, 2003
I did the prep the night before surgery. I took Fleet at 4 pm and again at 9 pm. By midnight, I was pretty much finished (I hadn't eaten anything in about two weeks -- clear liquids and protein shakes only.) You should be fine.
   — Lee M.

August 8, 2003
Original poster here...YAY!! It's the morning before..strange, I know:) But on the plus side (and not for very long..har har!)at least I'll probably be EMPTY for the drive up:) Thanks for the answers!
   — kathy B.

August 8, 2003
CAll me a lucky one..I dont really have one. I am NPO after 12 the night before all but water..and that is 3 hours stop prior...So I think its the docs disgression...DANA 8-12-03
   — danab

August 8, 2003
My preop is just clear liquids 12 hours before surgery and that is only so I won't puke while under anesthesia and aspirate. It would seem to me that since they are going to open the bowel to make the anastimosis (connection) that they would want a clean bowel. Go figure.
   — sissie S.

August 8, 2003
Golytely! Talk about an Oximoron! It turned me into a human firehose. That was by far one of the worse experiences I had with the surgery. They had me drink 4 litres of the stuff as quickly as I could. I was nearly puking on the last cup full. The tastes is a bit salty and it's a bit thicker than water.. not much but enough. Just seeing the name or thinking of it makes me shiver. If I had do it all over again for the benefits of the surgery I would and drink another 4 liters. <p>Take Care, Be Well, Be Happy!
   — John T.

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