Which profile page(s) motivated you the most???

For me, it's Sunday Schluckebier's. Although Paula M. looks great too. Anyone else???    — kathy B. (posted on July 3, 2003)

July 3, 2003
For me so far it's been Pam German, both her profile and her website, and of course our sorely missed Big Pete.
   — Moysa B.

July 3, 2003
I like Sharon Brittain. I had to book mark it becasue I don't know how to look up someones profile without a link. How so you read someone's profile when you know that name?
   — Heather M.

July 3, 2003
That would have to be Sharon Neva, she has so much information, and of course Big Pete's.
   — cindy

July 3, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma">There are so many wonderful profiles on here its hard to pick just one or two. For me, it would be Teena Adler and Jennifer E (in Florida). I am always looking to see if they have updated their profiles and cannot wait to read their stories. <P>Regarding the question on how you look up someone when you have their name, there is a search engine on the Gallery Page where you can enter either a first or last name, or you can click on the link "Find Peers" up at the top of most pages. <P>I just want to say thank you to everyone who keeps their profiles updated!
   — Wendy D P.

July 3, 2003
I really like K T (s). I love seeing her new pic each month and reading on how she's doing. I also like Suzy C. (s). She has so much info and links to things... she also has had struggles with her health and is such a "fighter" that when I feel like whining I go read hers to remind myself I have it easy.
   — Mindy R.

July 3, 2003
Linda Almonte, Angela A, and countless others. I love reading the profiles!!
   — ToriJ

July 3, 2003
Suzy C. She inspires me too! And what a sense of humor...but there are tons of great profiles to read here. I spent days and weeks just reading profiles and looking at before and after pics before my surgery. Lots of inspiration here.
   — Cindy R.

July 3, 2003
I have a lot of favorites. Here are a few that I have bookmarked and check back on regularly: Kimberly McDowell - Arlington, TX Dawn Brown - Islip, NY Alejandra Garman - Santa Rosa, CA Margaret M. Starr - Detroit, MI But my two most favorites--most inspirational are (drum roll please!): Donna Williams - Detroit, MI Dana Barr - Lexington, KY Now for all those of you I didn't name, it's only because I don't want to take up too much space here. You are ALL inspirational to me. I have many more of you bookmarked. I feel like I know all of you. Thank you for letting me into your life and sharing a part of yourself that helped me to have the courage to change my life. <p>Great question! Thanks for reminding me of all these incredible people.
   — artistmama

July 3, 2003
Oops! I messed up on Donna Williams. She is in Louisville, KY, not Detroit. (Sorry, Donna!) Read her incredible story.
   — artistmama

July 3, 2003
Linda Almonte. I am also a 'lightweight' and her story gave me hope that I, too, could lose 100 lbs. I have not been as lucky as her in the fast weight loss (sigh), but she still is an inspiration and also very informative.
   — Sandy T.

July 3, 2003
Dana and David Barr, they are the cinderella story of wls and their journey was a big inspiration to me through my surgery. Miss them on the boards!!!
   — rhondan

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