Have I gone Crazy????

I have lost around 240 pounds since my surgery last spring. While it is very visible to family and freiends it is not that clearly visible to one person, Me. I look in the mirror and still feel and look the same as before I lost the weight. Why can't I see myself as others do now?? It is starting to create some very strange periods of depression.    — Cody W. (posted on June 27, 2003)

June 27, 2003
This is the same "body image" problem that anorexics face, but obviously in a different way. They look in the mirror and see themselves as being fat and disguisting, while others see them as concentration-camp emaciated. I would personally talk to a counselor about it.
   — bethybb

June 27, 2003
its called body dismorphic disorder. many people have it, fat, skinny, bodybuilders. you can be a big as arnold schwarneger and fill your a little skinny guy. you can be anorexic and guant, and yet you think your fat as [me]. maybe you should try a pschy, or go to support meetings and talk to people.
   — Mr. K

June 27, 2003
Hi there, Cody! I've lost over 140 lbs since my surgery and I still can't fully accept this is ( a new)me now. I still have more weight to lose, but I don't see myself as others do. I went to a 3-day religious convention recently and when some of my friends saw me, they were floored! I still look at myself as I did before and couldn't understand why they were complimenting me, I kept asking my husband what I did different that day and he told me that since the last time they saw me, back ( at another religious assembly) in March, that I lost more than an entire person! I just can't see it. While I feel less depressed than before surgery, I think that was mainly because I couldn't do very much back then, I feel so much better now than ever before. If your feelings are causing depression, I agree that you should see a counselor, maybe for some meds to help level off the depression and most certainly to help with accepting the new you! If you would like to email, please do. Vi. opne RNY 9/23/02 down 142 lbs.
   — Vi F.

June 27, 2003
This is not uncommon to some degree or another. I find it's easier to see the difference in photographs. If you take a picture of yourself every few months, you'll be able to see your progression.
   — Leslie F.

June 27, 2003
You're no crazier than the rest of us! Years ago on one of my many diets, I made it down to almost goal weight. My family wanted me to stop dieting, told me I was fine, but I still felt fat. Years later when I look at photos that were taken then, I was absolutely skinny. I'd suggest a therapist. I saw one myself a few years ago to deal with a completely different matter, but it did help me overall in accepting myself for who I am. Good luck. And remember, gorgeous comes in all shapes and sizes! Linda
   — lorien

June 28, 2003
WOW, I thought it was just me. I have lost 127, down from 299, and I just don't see it. I have to make myself not ask my husband if I am about that size when I see ladies I can relate to. At first he thought I was fishing for compliments but I assured him I truly have no idea how I look. I know at 172 I am still fat but no matter what I weigh I will always be big in my mind. When I take my clothes out of the dryer I have looked at them for a second to try to figure out who these small clothes belong to.
   — Tawnda C.

June 28, 2003
You are not body dysmorphic... so don't worry. Typically a classic sufferer of body dysmorphia focuses on one specific area of the body and becomes very anxious and delusional about it.. for example the nose, or excessive hair.. in our case it is just body image. For so long we (and society helped too) have programmed ourselves to see the big person in the mirror, now that the body is physically changing so quickly the body image hasn't caught up yet. Yes, counseling could help you out.. time will also help.. be easy on yourself and believe in the numbers that you lost.. and you will start to notice things.. now I notice something new every day... I am almost 1 year post op and have lost 180 pounds.. I am half way to my goal.. and like I say.. I used to suffer from the mirror.. now I see the changes daily.. because that is literally happening to you.. daily changes.. if it isn't weight it is inches.. you are transforming.. keep it up.
   — Melissa R.

June 29, 2003
Well, think of it this way, you just spent X amount of years seeing yourself fat everyday, living as a fat person, constantly being reminded of exactly how FAT you are!'s a weird thing to not be in that mindset anymore. Don't think you are going crazy, but if you can't shake it eventually, I would seek counseling.
   — Melissa L.

June 29, 2003
I've gone from 396 on 1/8/2002 to around 200 today and I still don't think of myself as a thin person. But let me propose another side of the coin from the other responses here. I remember all the pain I was in at 396 and all the health problems I had at that weight. Most of those health problems are gone. I'm kind of like the gunslinger that has notches in my gun.....I want those notches to keep reminding me of how far I've come too! It helps to keep me on the straight and narrow. I have yet to have my "id" picture re-taken at work. All I have to do is look at that picture and I am quietly reminded, I never ever want to go back to that state! All the hanging skin makes me look like a train-wreck under my clothing, but I haven't even begun to contemplate possible plastic surgery--it's another reminder of where I was and it's not causing health problems, so don't even know if I'll do anything about it. I'm just so happy to be pain free and free of horrendous health problems that were making me miserable. I know it's a little weird but for now it's a good reminder to keep on keeping on!
   — Cathy S.

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