How effective is the Adkins Plan for. moving..

Anyone used the Atkins Plan for moving plateaus? If I could just stay away from the carbs!!! I'm having such a difficult time with this...I've been on this plateau now for almost 2 months.    — yourdivaness (posted on June 25, 2003)

June 25, 2003
For me, it is the only way to move a platau. It is hard, but I think the key is meal planning. Carbs are a lot eaiser and more convinent than protein you can get them anywhere, anytimne. But, if you plan, plan, plan you can go protein. I bet it won't take long to see an impact on your platau. Start with, what type of protein are you going to have for dinner (say, chicken). What about an omlet for breakfast, or if you are in a hurry, some beef jerky. For lunch, have left over chicken. Now it is dinner time again and the cycle starts over. Maybe this time it is steak or pork. My biggest problem is remembering to defrost tomorrow's dinner today! I'm really tired so I hope this makes some sence. Good Luck!
   — Amber L.

June 26, 2003
Since I am diabetic I typically stick to Atkins post-op anyway... but I have found that upping my calories & protein (to about 100 g/day) helps move plateaus. And drinking water like crazy helps too. If you are in a very consitant pattern of eating (like the same thing for breakfast every day, same thing for lunch, etc.) try mixing it up a lot. As far as carbing out, I have found that once I have one "carby" thing during the day, I want them for the rest of the day. A lot of me post-op friends have found this to be true as well. If you want carbs, and want to take an Atkins-based approach post-op, try the Atkins Bake Mixes... they are great. The have bread and muffin mixes that are great. Good Luck! Shelli (14 mo post-op Lap RNY, -110#)
   — kultgirl

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