Anyone out there taking Serzone or any other antidepressants

for stress anxiety or anxiety (depression)? My PCP is considering prescribing Serzone for me. I believe it will work fine since I was on Prozac several years ago before I even thought about WLS. Prozac made me REAL irritable when I was taking it. Zoloft had me walking around like a "space cadet" I felt like I was high all the time~~didn't like that feeling at all. From what my doc told me was that Serzone would keep me at a neutral level. I wouldn't have me feeling any highs or lows.    — yourdivaness (posted on June 10, 2003)

June 10, 2003
I would never take Serzone. It does work but it has been known to cuase heart failure and it has been recalled by the FDA. I take Wellbutrin which has worked with me rather well.
   — Justin F.

June 10, 2003
I have been taking Serzone for almost 2 years. It has worked great for me with no side effects. I had previously been on Prozac and Wellbutrin with too many side effects. I guess everyone is different and you need to find what works well for you.
   — Laura C.

June 10, 2003
To clarify the first post, from what I can tell, the FDA has NOT recalled Serzone. It has been recalled in Europe, and the FDA made the makers change the warning on it, because of liver damage, not heart problems. I would ask your doc about this, and decide based on real medical info.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 10, 2003
I am on prozac I have been on it for 3 years, they iniitally perscribed it for severe PMS, and let me tell you if I dont take it when it comes to that time of month, I am so horrible I bite everyones head off, and its something I cant seem to control without it, I always say thank god for prozac, no side affects for me.
   — Debi Rouilliard

June 11, 2003
Original Poster here: Thanks everyone, for responding to my question. As far as Serzone being "recalled"~something is wrong with that because when I called the drugstore (Publix) to inquire whether they have that and if it had been "banned" or suspended or whatever for any reason and the answer was "all you need to do is just bring in the prescription, signed by your physician, and it will be filled". I don't know, maybe it's just in several other states...doesn't seem like it applies in the State of Georgia. I'll keep checking other drugstores here as well.
   — yourdivaness

June 14, 2003
I work in a pharmacy & Serzone has NOT been recalled.
   — Sarah H.

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