Hello, All. I am a little over one year post op and noticing a lot of complications recently...more than when I was an early post op! Extreme pain (probably gallblader, which can't be checked out for another month because of insurance issues); vomiting after meals (I am not overindulging - if anything I am eating less than ever before!); blood in my stool...what is happening? I don't claim to be a model of the best post op behavior, but need some support, tips and help, because all of this is really starting to affect my life. Is this all normal? i.e., to have a practically complication-free first year, then suffer later? Please help. I don't want to become anti-WLS, but am beginning to wonder, what have I done???? — rebeccamayhew (posted on May 31, 2003)
May 31, 2003
I don't want to scare you, but you need to get to your WLS Surgeon and have
him check you out. Anytime you have pain and voimting this far out, you
need to go have it checked out. I have a girl in my support group 1 1/2
years out who passed away this week. Twisted Bowl....common in WLS
— Sharon H.
May 31, 2003
hey hun about the blood in the stool i had the same problem 1 week after
surgery and i was hospitalized for 4 days due to what they thought was
internal bleeding but after 16 plus tubes of blood and whole bunch of
tests (machines) the problem turned out to be infection in the intestines.
if you let it get worse or dont have yourself checked it could turn into
bloodclots in your stool like it happened to me so dont wait and call your
— e T.
May 31, 2003
You may have an ulcer - you need to be seen by a physician ASAP if not
sooner. This is nothing to mess around with. You sound like my husband
did a few weeks ago. He could barely eat anything, and could hardly keep
water down. He had lots of dry heaves, too. He had pain in his abdomen
and some blood in his stool. The surgeon did an EGD and found a spot near
the anatamosis that was apparently irritated by some food - he cleaned away
some old clots and debris, and there was still some oozing of blood. They
kept him in the hospital overnight, checked blood counts about every 6
hours, put him on a Protonix drip and Carafate slurry every twelve hours.
By the time he went home the next day, his hemaglobin and hematocrit were
coming up and he felt about 99% better. I'd say in a week's time he was
eating and feeling fine again. Please get medical help as soon as you can!
Take care!
— koogy
May 31, 2003
I had Open RNY in July, 2002 and I was admitted into the hospital December,
2002 for a bleeding ulcer at the astimosis. This is one of the
complications. Unfortunately, it got quite severe before I got to the
hospital. Please go immediately. I was hospitalized for two weeks and had
to have a blood transfusion before my blood count would go back up.
— AnitaB
May 31, 2003
Gulp. Now I am really scared, hearing about all of the possibilites that
my issues could be! Thanks though to all who took the time to respond...I
appreciate your honesty and candor. Best to us all...
— rebeccamayhew
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