Any one subscribing the the new OH Magazine.

My first reaction was$25.00 for four issues, no way. I thought what could they have that we can't read here. But, I decided that anything they do here is okay with me. This site helped save my life and I hoped to support OH efforts for a long time to come. But most of all, people at work and elsewhere are asking me about the surgery and some are not online. Lending them the Magazine will be a great help to them.    — faybay (posted on May 28, 2003)

May 28, 2003
Can you tell me about the magazine? I signed up to get a copy of some new magazine, but I don't remember what it was. I'd be interested in subscribing even if it is only 4 issues.
   — JoSyrNY

May 28, 2003
I totally forgot that I ordered that magazine, I heard about it @ 1 month ago. It is very exciting to have another resource to look into. There is also a new show out called "I lost it" on the Discovery Health Channel. M-F at noon and 3 pm (Central) and they have had alot of people on that have had gastric by-pass. The show focuses in on the journey the weight loss has brought you through. It is so nice to know that we have people out there working real hard to keep us informed about this process.
   — Dana B.

May 28, 2003
Never mind my last post! I just went to the store on this site and will subscribe today. Thanks for bringing the question up!
   — JoSyrNY

May 28, 2003
As soon as I can get my husbands credit card I plan on purchasing a subscription. ObesityHelp has so much information you can bet that any other magazine will most likely be using the information from right here on site or at the very least its members. I do not know of any other single place you can get all the information that is here plus have an open forum to discuss it. The magazine will only make it better and give us something to show our friends and family. Hopefully many will be educated from the magazine. I personally plan on making sure a couple doctors I know will see it. I can't wait to get it!!!!
   — TheresaC

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