Help! I am one year out and am having searing pain...
Right below my breastbone (all across, no specific side.) I spoke with my doctor who said she thinks it's gallbladder traumas, and what I want to know is, how big a deal is this? Will I absolutely have to have surgery? I just started a new job and my insurance isn't in effect yet...has anybody out there lived with attacks for a while, until resolution could be reached? Any response/advice would be appreciated. — rebeccamayhew (posted on May 26, 2003)
May 26, 2003
Hi Rebecca- That sounds like the pain I was having when I had to have my
gallbladder removed. It took about 1 month between the attack and the
surgery date, but that was 15 years ago, I don't know how soon they can
schedule it now. Thankfully, I only had the 1 attack! At the time, the
surgeon's advice was to eat absolutely fat free stuff to avoid another
attack, and it worked. I was so scared, I followed a vegetarian diet. How soon until your
insurance kicks in? Maybe your doc would have some good suggestions in the
meantime. Hope you're feeling better soon!
— Mea A.
May 26, 2003
It sounds like gb to me also, does the pain then radiate around to the back
via the right side? That is how my gb attacks acted. Please, Please do not
let a gb problem go. I did back in 1991, let it go for 1 1/2 yrs and it
caused me a very long hospital stay. I ended up in the hospital for 117
days because I developed pancreatitis. VERY DANGEROUS, I spent 6 wks in
ICU. I almost died.
— ChristineB
May 26, 2003
I started having gallbladder problems during my second pregnancy in 1991.
They were terrible (felt like a heart attack)but I had no insurance so they
gave me meds for years and sent me on my way. Then I got bumped around by
the HMO systems for a few years. Whoever the magical powers that be are
decided since the attacks came and went, no surgery was necessary. Finally
in 2001, I got new insurance and had surgery within a week of the attack.
My GB was badly infected, they almost couldn't do it lap and it was the
most difficult surgery of 10 for me. It took me a full 3 months to get it
together. Your doctor can determine if the situation is urgent or not, but
you are taking a risk if you put off surgery. I did it for almost 10 years,
but I do not recommend it.
— Tina P.
May 27, 2003
Rebecca, ask the doctor to send you for an MRI. They can tell you if there
is the presence of gallstones. Gallstones is what causes the gallbladder
attacks that are so painful. I had this happen to me about 2 years before
WLS and the attacks were viscious. Reason I had these attacks was the
fatty foods that were my staple back then. The surgery, done lap, is not a
bad one and I could have gone back to work in a week or so. If you do not
have any more attacks, then it can wait, but if you have consistent
attacks, you will need to get it taken care of.. First though, confirm
that is what it is-you want to be sure in case there is another reason.
Dr. Sabharwal should be able to help you with this....
— Cindy R.
May 27, 2003
Is that your bariatric surgeon who said gall bladder trauma? Is there an
increase in frequency, severity or duration of the pain? Given our
surgery, you need to have the bariatric surgeon's opinion. You can have
blockages and other problems with the 'blind' end of the intestine and
because we don't vomit when we have a blockage in that section, which
people with bowel blockages typically do, primary care docs can misread the
symptoms. And, you should be asking your doctor what she means by 'gall
bladder traumas'. There are medications that you can take to reduce
gallstones, but you need a definitive diagnosis and 'trauma' and 'stones'
are not necessarily the same thing. Good Luck to you!
— merri B.
May 28, 2003
Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to respond to this question.
I am having to hold off on tests and stuff because of the ins. issue - ah
the joys of living in America. Anyway, I will keep you posted. Pray that
it's gallstones and not a blockage - the former sounds a lot less heinous.
Merri Bush, you are looking fabu these days, btw...Love to all,
— rebeccamayhew
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