Is it possible to get rid of a belly without a tummy tuck?

I am Pre-Op and I really don't like surgery. Has anyone out there ever exercised and not needed a tummy tuck. I don't have a tummy, I have a belly and I am willing to work out and sit up if I can flatten this belly without a tummy tuck.    — Ron T. (posted on March 27, 2003)

March 27, 2003
Ron, I really think for most post-ops the real challenge is the loose skin which no amount of exercise will really help. Depending on how heavy you are, your age, where you carry most of your weight, and your skins elasticity it'll affect what type of post op issues you have. Most people have some loose skin and its up to them as to what they can comfortably live with versus surgery. You won't know for yourself until you're there and give your body a chance to bounce back after loosing the weight.
   — Shelly S.

March 27, 2003
I totally agree with Shelly. I've dropped 160 pounds and have no stomach left at all but there is some extra skin below the belt line that's difficult to get rid of. Exercise will not make that disappear. It's all a matter of what you're willing to live with. You can check out my pic on my profile. Mike
   — Michael N.

March 28, 2003
Unfortunately, it all depends on luck. Even young people who are thought to have the best elasticity can have loose skin. I was thought to have the "best" characteristics of someone who would be ok: am young, was only obese for 5/6 years and drank alot of water (some believe this helps). But, even through all those and exercising, I still have some loose skin, esp under the belly button area. I've talked to doctors and trainers and said that all the crunches in the world can help some, but do nothing for loose skin. Start praying now you have good genes! lol Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 29, 2003
I was thick all of my young years and became obese in highschool. I am 27 now and I have 25 pounds worth of excess skin 10 months out -130 pounds. You can go look at my profile for pics. I worked out 6 days a week for two hours and all it did was give me good muscles underneath skin. Prepare yourself for the worse so that when it happens it will not be a shock. Document every rash and back pain with your doctors so when it is time insurance will approve reconstructive surgery. Skin left over is the worst part of WLS, but the trade off of being healthy is so worth the skin. If I keep telling myself that I will believe it Good luck.
   — Teena A.

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