Why don't long-term post ops update their profile pages?

I'm quite fond of and admire a lot of long-term post ops on this website. I've been following some since 1998, but somewhat discouraged that they have not updated their profile pages for some time. Some who have been like mentors, others who have been influential in my continued progress. Perhaps they don't have time?? I don't know, but I'd really like to know how they are progressing and I'm sure others on this site would too! WOn't name names, but there are a lot. Is there anything we can do to encourage or motivate them to update? Thanks for listening.    — yourdivaness (posted on March 4, 2003)

March 4, 2003
Ok, here's the scoop. At least in my case. As I get further and further out from surgery, weight loss becomes less and less of a burning issue. It becomes an issue that I am dealing with successfully. After the weight loss stops, it's a maintenance thing that involves trying to foster those habits such as exercise and healthy diet that will help me keep the weight off. But in my case, I have a very busy life, and other things crowd in. I don't use this web site as much now, though I used to log on several times a day to glean all the wisdom and help I needed to get me through those pre and post op days.
   — Bobbi G.

March 4, 2003
Define long term?
   — jen41766

March 4, 2003
I am not 'long term', (I'm 10.5 months post op) however, I DO try to update my profile, but I get discouraged because IF (??) people are reading my profile, they don't email me to let me know. I encourage you ALL to email the people whose profiles you read. Even if you don't have anything much to say about it (maybe just a 'thanks for keeping your profile updated, just wanted to let you know that I read it and found it helpful, interesting, inspiring--whatever), because to me, at this point since nobody emails me about it, I assume I am wasting my time updating it. That may be one reason people quit updating, I know it has been a factor in my updating less often.
   — A. S.

March 4, 2003
I was thinking it would be great if the website automatically emailed it's members quarterly. Just a short note telling them how much their knowledge and expertise is of value to post-ops. Just an idea...
   — Kimberly S.

March 4, 2003
I used to be a 'regular' here on AMOS. From the moment my journey began, I was all-consumed by WLS. I wanted every speck of information that I could possibly get. Since being 1 year post-op, I have found that as the months roll by, that I don't come here as often. WLS is not my priority in my life anymore. It is a chapter that has been put on the back-burner. I still come here periodically to 'check in' but it doesn't bother me to miss a few days. In the beginning, I checked in at least twice a day, never missing one! I still update my profile b/c it would frustrate me to find someones journey that I was interested in, and their profile not updated. So I completely understand what you are saying. They do receive a yearly encouragement to update their profile, if they don't, then they are just not interested in doing so. Unfortunately.
   — Cheri M.

March 4, 2003
I agree with A.S., I received a letter a while back from someone that said she had been following my "story" since summer. I was so pleasantly surprised. I honestly felt that I was updating for my own good. It was nice to hear from someone that was actually benefitting from my profile. I think after awhile the longer post ops are out "living" life again. They don't mean to leave us in the dust, but after awhile you don't want eat, sleep, and breathe WLS anymore. You gain more energy and are out enjoying the things you couldn't do before. I completely understand that. I do love when they pop in and update us from time to time though. It renews hope for us newbies. I've lost 75lbs since 10/24/02 and I know that I'm already wanting to get out of this house and get a real job now. I have promised myself that I will continue to update my profile and check in from time to time too.
   — Ruthie K.

March 5, 2003
I know exactly how you feel, there was this lady Irenre Hayes-Olivera(SP?) that was on all the time and I was following her then BAM..She is gone and she is NEVER on or never update her file. I have e-mailed her and got no answers. She was constantly being someones angel, I really would love to know how she's doing. I do comment Leann, Debbie, and all the others that have stuck around.
   — Lynda T.

March 9, 2003
I'll be six months out on Wednesday. I try to update every week to ten days. I do it as much for myself as for others. I sent a copy of my log in December to my therapist and she was very impressed by the detail. I think that it is nice to let the people know who you've been following that it means a lot to you for them to update. Also, my family and friends drop by from time to time. As I've become more active, though, I've contributed less to the Q&A and message board. This question is a good reminder to me to check in more frequently!
   — Katherine M.

March 9, 2003
Hey reporting X pounds gone is FUN, but once you loose most of the weight your life gets very busy just living it. WLS is no longer the center of things like it was pre op where you were here 5 times or more a day, read every update and worried over details. The psych doc who approves all of our suyrgeons patients says this is a good thing. Shows we are becoming well adjusted post ops. I know some 4 year out folks here who wouldnt return to update. Say I am way too busy and many spend little or no time on theinternet. I myself am so busy I ddont update like I should.Dont worry they arent off sick and dying they are just too busy.
   — bob-haller

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