I found this recipe, please check it out and tell me if it ok to eat...
I found this recipe and I can have all of the ingredients, so why is the sugar content so high? Could someone check this out and tell me if it would be ok... Thanks! — JLP9805 (posted on March 4, 2003)
March 4, 2003
Milk and cool whip have sugar in them.
— Dana B.
March 4, 2003
I would try it if i had the stuff to make it. Cool whip is in some of the
recipes my wls doctor gave me. I think its ok. And milk has natural sugar
in it. If you dont have a problem with lactose then go ahead and try it.
— rachel W.
March 4, 2003
I would think it would be fine as long as you are not lactose intolerant.
The milk has lactose (sugar) of 12 grams per cup, so of the 6 grams per
serving, 3 grams of sugar are coming from the milk. I think it sounds
pretty yummy! Think of all the other flavors you could make it with . . .
— ctyst
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