I got my blood results yesterday and while I am in the normal range

I am at the low end. (normal range .35-4.94 . I am at .80 Could this be hampering my weight loss. I posted yesterday and explained about my S L O W weight loss. Any suggestions?    — Rita B. (posted on February 12, 2003)

February 11, 2003
Rita, Actually a reading of .80 is very good. With the TSH levels, the lower the number, the more active the thyroid. I have an underactive thyroid and at one time my reading was 19.04. I'm assuming that the T3 and T4 results were in normal range? Good Luck, Carolyn
   — Carolyn M.

February 11, 2003
Carolyn is right - your TSH is fine at .80. I have read that most women feel best when their TSH is between 1 and 2. I had part of my thyroid removed 2 years ago, and started to become hypothyroid. I gained back 25 of 35 hard-last pounds over 3-4 weeks and felt terrible! Carolyn, were you able to crawl out of bed with a TSH that high?! Mine only went from my normal of 1.19 to 2.95 and I was in bad shape!
   — koogy

February 11, 2003
Yep, if that's a TSH reading, I wish it was mine! The higher the TSH, the slower the metabolism, *generally* speaking, although many people aren't able to distinguish any difference within the "normal" range. My last TSH was over 4, and I felt great -- compared to the 37 TSH I had just before radiation for thyroid cancer, which left my mind and body running sooo slow I walked like a drunk and couldn't drive during that time!
   — Suzy C.

February 12, 2003
the lower your lewvel the more active you thyroid so no i dont think that it is contrbuting to slow weight loss...i have had tsh as high as 37 (was practlicaly comotosed) bit .80 is excellant the way at 37 i was in full blown thyroid toxicity....not last reading was .05 so i they have lowered my unithroid but not by much since i feel GREAT at .05 tsh my doc thinks that is "normal" for me so...
   — bekka K.

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