As a self pay can anyone tell me how to take the surgery off my taxes?

I know that I read an answert to this question sometime ago but I can't find the answer in the last 300 questions. Please help. You can email me at [email protected] if that would be easier. Thanks for any help    — Cherol F. (posted on January 31, 2003)

January 31, 2003
I simply included all charges in with my other medical expenses.
   — LLinderman

January 31, 2003
I am not sure what the new tax laws are now, but when I had it done in 2000 the amount spent had to be more than 7% of my annual income. I would recommend a look through or getting turbo tax for real advice. Good Luck!
   — Cara F.

January 31, 2003
Professional tax preparer, it doen't cost that much and they may find other deductions you don't know about.
   — **willow**

January 31, 2003
Cheryl. In April 2002, IRS Ruling 2002-19 made obesity treatment a medical deduction. Please go to for an article regarding this rulling. Look under Tax Breaks and you can read about it as well as link to the IRS ruling. I believe that mileage to and from treatment is also included as part of the medical deduction. But this is a new deduction and a major victory for those like us to have Obesity recognized by a disease as a way of fighting insurance companies from denying our claims as an exempted coverage.
   — Delia M.

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