Today I have been vomiting any time I try to eat or drink.

I am 5 & 1/2 weeks post op and woke up this morning with my first headache since my open rny. I took liquid tylenol for the headach and it caused severe nausea. I have not been able to eat or drink anything without vomiting ever since, not even water. I have been reading alot about strictures what are they & should I worry?    — Kim F. (posted on November 23, 2002)

November 23, 2002
I had two strictures.. I felt immediately better after being dilated. Please call your doctor and get scoped asap.. you will feel better if you have a stricture that is causing the nausea and vomiting.. Feel better Hugs,
   — Gina Landers

November 23, 2002
There is High Fructose Corn Syrup in Liquid Tylenol - this could have caused your nausea. You generally have to watch this with a lot of the over-the-counter medicines like cough medicine, etc. - unless they are specifically marked as being sugar-free.
   — John Rushton

November 24, 2002
Call your doctor! I just got scoped last Wednesday. I feel soooo much better! I was throwing up every time I just looked at food. I'm 7 weeks out. I hope you feel better soon.
   — cklaver

November 24, 2002
I also had problems with nausea and vomiting. One cause was a stricture and an endoscopy was done. The doctor dilated it and eating and drinking was great the very next day. Another reason for this condition is thrush which is a yeast infection in your mouth. If you look at your tongue and find it has a white appearance, then you may have thrush. There is medication for this. In either case your doctor is your best friend. Talk to him/her so the solution can be decided. God Bless you.
   — Marianne D.

November 24, 2002
Another thing to look at is do you have lots of sinus drainage? At about 3 weeks post-op, I started throwing up 10-15 times a day. My doctor advised me to take a benedryl before I went to bed to dry up my nose and prescribed a zantac to take then as well. Worked like a charm. As long as I do that, don't have a problem.
   — Cathy S.

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