Is it normal for you not to have a bowel movement for 2 days

My mother just had rny surgery lap on last Wednesday and she is extremely weak all over. She just told me that she hasn't had a boo boo in 2 days, Is this normal. Her doctor at the hospital sent her home on insulin and she was on the diabetic pills for almost 2 years. The insulin dropped her sugar level to 23, which is really low. Could that be a reason. Help!!! By the way, her sugar level is back to normal since she stopped the insulin shots, but its going down again. Her doctor won't be in until Monday. Please help    — tina T. (posted on November 20, 2002)

November 20, 2002
I didn't have my first bowel movement until 2 weeks after my open RNY on 7/17. Of course, being on a liquid diet and bowel prep two days before and being on nothing but liquids afterwards, I didn't have anything to poop *G*. <p> As far as the insulin and blood sugars go, is your mother a Type I or a Type II diabetic? Most, if not all, Type II diabetic are usually taken off their diabetic medications post-op, from what I have seen (I was a Type II diabetic and my PCP stopped my Glucotrol XL 2 days prior to surgery and I have not taken it since). The amount of caloric intake post-surgery is going to wreak havoc with your mother's blood sugars if she is on insulin or other diabetic medicine. <p> Which doctor won't be in until Monday - her surgeon (who shouldn't have anything to do with regulating her diabetes anyhow) or her primary (who should be treating her diabetes)?? Most doctors have someone who covers their patients when they are out - call the doctor's service and find out who's on call...JR
   — John Rushton

November 20, 2002
Hi! I had Lap RNY on Monday, Nov 11th. I didn't have any BM until Thursday. It was mostly diarhea like but it was a BM non the less. Apple juice seemed to be the key for me to get things going again!
   — Colleen S.

November 20, 2002
I had to wait 5 days before I had a BM. Don't wait until Monday for your mom to be seen. Contact the doctor's office and arrange to see the physician covering him. She should be re=evaluated ASAP.
   — Marian B.

November 20, 2002
I had the opposite problem: I drank milk and it gave me the runs every day for about 4 weeks. After I found out what was causing it I stopped and after that I would go 2-4 days without having a BM, then it would come all at once and I felt like I had lost about 5-7 lbs. in one swoop. Drink lots of water to better BMs.
   — Betty Todd

November 20, 2002
hi there :) when i first came home from the hospital, 6 days had gone by with nothing. this really freaked me out and i had fears of obstruction running through my head. well, now at 9 months out im an every four days person with usually 2 days in a row then waits four days again. im used to it now and all is well, no obstructions. she could talk to doc if shes really scared but i think its pretty common for the toilet routines to change after wls. best of luck :)
   — carrie M.

November 20, 2002
I think I must have had the all time record for not having a "boo boo" as you call it. I went an astonishing 13 days after my surgery without having a bowel movement. I did have a couple trips to the bathroom in high hopes but it never produced anything to even count as a bowel movement. I am talking maybe 2 tablespoons total. Sorry to be so graphic. I never did have a blockage or anything. In fact I wasn't even constipated from that. I guess because I was on the clear liquids for a couple of weeks I just wasn't producing that much waste. I don't know. Anyway, it's normal for me to go 2 or 3 days between bowel movements now and I am almost 4 months out. Since she is so newly post-op though I would keep on top of the water intake. That helps a lot. Any pain killers she might be on could cause constipation as well. I would keep the suppositories on hand just in case.
   — Laurel C.

November 20, 2002
   — Kathleen M.

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