I m 5'5 and weigh 155lbs. I had surgery in June 4, 2002 at a starting weight of 246lb

I am very happy with the weight I am now,and although I am still losing about a lb a week, would be very happy if I never lost another pound. The problem I have is that I have ALOT of extra skin in my stomach area. I am only 21 years old so I didn't think I would have a big problem with excess skin, I have also had a baby before wls which makes the whole thing worse though I'm sure. I contacted my insurance company and asked them about what the requirements are for them to pay for a tummy tuck...their response was, that I need a doctor to send them a letter saying it is medically neccessary, well what does that mean? What makes it medically neccesary? and my other question is...can I have the tummy tuck and still have another baby later in life? I really value your opinions and will be waiting for your responses. Thanks!    — Cassy H. (posted on November 20, 2002)

November 20, 2002
We just had a plastic surgeon speak at our support meeting, and he said not to have a tummy tuck until after having all your children. sorry...
   — paulsgirl

November 20, 2002
Wow-Cassie, you lost that weight very fast. Ah, youth! Medically necessary means that the tummy tuck is not just to make you look better. That there is a medical reason to approve your surgey. For example, do you have rashes under the hanging skin folds, and if so, has your doctor documented the treatments you have tried. I, too, have heard that you should have all your kids first, because if you have the tuck and then the pregnancy stretches it out again, you may need another one after the pregnancy.
   — Cindy R.

November 20, 2002
Wow, you did lose your weight fast! Congrats. But losing fast also leads to the hangy skin. My advise is to wait on getting the TT. People in my support group have said that the skin will slowly tighten up a bit over a 2 year period. This does not mean that you'll get rid of all the excess, just that some tightening will occur. Because you are young, you'll probably firm up pretty well.
   — Margaret H.

November 21, 2002
Cassy, what they mean by "medical necessity" is that you will have to go to your PCP (doctor) and they will have to determine whether or not you really need a TT. Like in my case, my doctor will tell them that my stomach hangs down to my pubic and that I get rashes because of the excess skin. But like the others stated here, it is best to wait until you are 2 years post-op before considering doing this. I'm not sure how it would work if you intend on having other children as my child bearing days have long been over. Hope this helps you some!
   — Carole M.

November 21, 2002
I am 5'3" and started out at 240. I am now 155 too. I had my surgery May 29, 2002. I am in the same boat as you, however I am past the child birth issue. I do know that you should wait until after you have your children. Then look at a tummy tuck again. Also you are young, so your skin should bounce back good. I am 33 with 2 kids (c-sections) and my skin is bouncing back good. Give it some time...I think you will be surprised. Use a good lotion on your skin, drink plenty of water and eat a lot of fruit. Those all make a big difference in your skin. Good Luck.
   — Cindy M.

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