Does RNY surgery make gall bladder removal inevitable? Why would so many people's

gall bladders need to be removed? What are the symptoms of gall bladder problems? Is the removal done laparascopically or is there a large incision? THanks!!!    — darlene B. (posted on November 13, 2002)

November 13, 2002
I didn't have my gall bladder removed during my surgery. My surgeon says he doesn't believe in removing healthy organs. I didn't have any problems with gall stones before surgery and I still don't. (I'm a little over one year post-op.) I think the reason why so many surgeons do remove it during WLS is that when a person loses weight rapidly, they have a tendency to develop gall stones, so my guess is that the surgeons would rather be safe than sorry. Plus it saves wear and tear on your body having it done at the same time as opposed to having a seperate surgery later on.
   — Emily W.

November 13, 2002
Surgeons usually will only remove the gallbladder if it is diseased. Meaning if there is a polyp or stone it will go. I had a polyp so mine was taken. Often times when people loose large amounts of weight it can cause gallstones. So if you have any problems at all with yours, they'll take it out. My surgeon took out my appendix while he was in there so I wouldnt have to ever have abdominal surgery again hopefully since my bypass had major complications.
   — Karla K.

November 13, 2002
Upon having my gallbladder ultrasound I had a feeling my gb would be removed due to the fact of it being 1/2 way filled with stones. After surgery, which was done lap, my surgeon told me my gb was very agitated, filled with stones and if he didn't remove it...I would be back within 2 months to get it removed due to the rapid weight loss. Hope this helps..Oh! and my scars aren't any bigger because of it.
   — Traci A.

November 13, 2002
Only 1 in 4 people will actually need their gallbladder out after WLS. Removing a healthy organ is cause for a law suit. Literally!
   — Carol S.

November 13, 2002
Rapid weight loss can cause gallstones. I have heard many different people describe it in defferent ways. The good news is it takes about a year to go usually. By then most people are near goal. If the insurance company is already paying for the gallbladder removal it is really easy to get them to pay for a tummy tuck at the same time. And even if they don't since you are already having surgery it is cheap to just add on the tt.
   — Linda A.

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