Has anyone post op Open RNY used an abdominal binder?

I am 10 days post op open RNY, steri strips were removed today. My incision looks good but I was wondering if an abdominal binder would help the incision heal. I purchased one before surgery but in the hospital the surgeon said no..that it was too restrictive and would not allow deep breathing...what about now? Anyone who has used one...whether successful or not please let me know..    — Holly K. (posted on October 11, 2002)

October 11, 2002
I had open RNY on Oct 16, 2002. I woke up in recovery with a binder on. I wore it for at least 2 weeks or so post op. I know people who wore it much longer. It all depends on your surgeon. My surgeon was not a big fan of the binder. He said we would "rely" on it too much. It helped a great deal. I dont see any problem wearing it. If it feels it. :) (just my humble opinion)
   — skymaxjr

October 11, 2002
Holly, I am 9 weeks post-op today. My doctor recommended I wear the binder for 4-6 weeks and I did. It absolutely did not hurt me. In fact, there were a few times I bent over to pick up my 29 pound nephew (forgetting not to lift over 5 pounds) and I KNOW it saved me from accidentally causing a hernia. It gave me WONDERFUL support and I am POSITIVE it helped my incision heal "thinner" and "flatter". I ALSO bought pure Vitamin E oil from K-mart and I use it every night before I go to bed. I rub on a thick layer. Just be careful, because it does leave an "oily" type stain on clothing. I just wear T-shirts to bed for now. My incision looks fantastic. It's gone from red to pink, and it's really flat and even FADING in some places along the incision line. Annaleigh
   — Annalee

October 11, 2002
My binder was like my pacifier for the first three weeks or so after surgery. My surgeon gives it to all his by-pass patients to wear. I felt so much more at ease walking while wearing it and also I felt it was helping to keep everything together, you know? I would definitely recommend wearing your binder until you feel comfortable without it. My breathing was not affected in the least by it. Good Luck and God Bless!
   — mjlward1

October 11, 2002
They put one on me in the hospital and I took it off only when I needed a "break" from it or to bathe. Wore it the first two weeks and ditched it. But I'm pear shaped and it didn't like to sit right on me.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 11, 2002
My doctor gave me one with surgery, I was told to waer it until 6 weeks post op, well it itched and I was not comfortable with how it kept riding up, so I stopped wearing it. Well I got a hernia...I can't help but wonder if I had listened, would it have done any just might have...I say wear it, it couldn't hurt...
   — MF

October 11, 2002
My surgeon gives them to all of his patients. I wore mine in the hospital and the first week at home. I felt like it really supported me when I got up and down and in and out of bed. After that I just stopped wearing it. I thought it was helpful while I used it. I did get tired of it though. Good luck. I am two weeks post op and I feel awesome!
   — Sandy P.

October 12, 2002
I woke up from surgery with two on. Man those suckers where tight! It was really hard for me to get them on, always had to have help, but they made my muscles feel better with all that support.
   — Paula Prichard

October 12, 2002
I got a binder on the first time i was out of bed after surgery. Ifell the support makes it easier to get up and around. It did get itchy and gave me a rash, so I got some soft camisoles from lane bryant to wear under it. I LOVE it. Dr. said wear it for 6 weeks, take it off only to shower and wash the binder. I feel so much better with it on and am sure I use less pain meds because of the support from the binder.
   — **willow**

October 12, 2002
I also woke up after surgery with the abdominal binder on. Based on advice some wise person gave me, I asked the hospital for a second one to take home, so I'd have one to wear while the other was in the wash. I wore it constantly for about 3 weeks, and just when sleeping or when working out for another week or two after that. I think they're great for "reminding" you not to lift things we're not ready to lift.
   — Suzy C.

October 13, 2002
BTC patients are instructed to wear their abdominal binder at all times (except when in the shower) the first 2 weeks after surgery. After that it is optional....however, I can tell you from experience that the binder *helps* to hold your stomach up so that the weight of your stomach is not pulling on the incision. This *helps* the incision heal nicer. If your stomach is pulling down on the incision, then there's a greater chance of having a wider scar once you are all healed up.
   — Lynette B.

October 15, 2002
My surgeon suggests wearing the binder for 6 weeks. I actually feel more comfortable with it on than off - I am 5 weeks post-op.
   — Diane T.

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