question regarding inches/sizes lost from abdomnioplasty

I am re-asking this question more clearly; can anyone, who has had abdomnioplasty, tell me how many inches/how many sizes smaller you lost after having this done? What happens to the skin in the rib-cage area, the pubic area, does it affect the back area, and how. I have scheduled surgery for 11/21/02 and would like to know what to expect. I would really appreciate some responses from anyone.    — twenc (posted on October 9, 2002)

October 9, 2002
I believe that the results will vary from person to person depending on how much excess skin & fat they have, how they're proportioned, what their size is, etc. I see you're a post op and have lost lots of weight. If you have a lot of excess skin around the middle or any fat there you'll see quite a difference. My stats wouldn't help much. I had mine last spring but was a pre-op at over 300 lbs. I've still got my touch up to do which will probably reduce me another pant size but I went from barely fitting into a size 34W jeans to a 26W jeans. It changed my figure / shape drastically to remove the big belly I'd always had. Plus I did lipo also to my backside for a more balanced appearance. It was a good choice. Anyhow, I think some of the results will vary based on the type of incision your surgeon will be using too. Some just have a hip to hip "smiley face" incision, some do the anchor incision where you also have a vertical incision up your front side, or you can have one like I did that's like a beltectomy - the incision not only goes hip to hip but around your backside. I'm glad I had that done. It tightened up all the flab from my back, hips, butt, outer thighs. Personally I think that's the best if you have much weight they'll be removing or if you have much loose skin around your backside. With any of the incision styles, the skin from your upper abdomen gets pulled down and your mons pubis is pulled upward. The excess skin is removed. I believe with the anchor incision that the vertical incision allows them pull the skin from around your middle from the back and sides helping with any sagging in those areas also. Hope I've been of some help. If you want to talk you're welcome to email me ([email protected]).
   — Shelly S.

October 9, 2002
Look at before/after pix. Ask for personal references and call them. I'd seen a few done by my doc before I did mine, so there were no unpleasant surprises. I was/am very pleased. But there have been some horror stories, from here & there around the country. Please look at actual work before you lie on that table and plunk your dollars on the counter. OK?
   — vitalady

October 10, 2002
Toni, go to and click on morbid obesity, then support groups. There is a support group just for those who have had or are going to have plastic surgery. Lots of people there who have had it that can answer your questions
   — Cindy R.

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