I'm a week post-op & can't believe that this is actually is going to work, THIS TIME!

I'm sure this feeling is totally normal--but I can't believe this surgery is going to work. I'm already starting to feel like I'm "cheating the system" even though my "indulgences" consist of viactiv calcium supplements (2 per day, as per my nutritionist) and perhaps 1 jar of baby food fruit a day or a s/f jello or popsicle. My head is playing games on me and I know it...but I guess I'm looking for some camaraderie and some words of encouragement from you old timers (anything over a month is an old-timer to me at this point!!)... I'm just so afraid that I'm going to sabotage this and I'll be the ONE it DOESN'T work for.. thanks. (Lap RNY 10/01/02)    — Karen K. (posted on October 9, 2002)

October 9, 2002
What you are feeling is perfectly normal. Follow your doctor's instructions to the letter and then you'll know you are doing what you are supposed. Every doctor has a different set of instructions. All include water, vitamins and exercise. Start out walking right now. As you build your energy back you will feel better emotionally. This will work! I'm an oldtimer...17 months postop and down 135 lbs. I have days where I go up 3-5 lbs and sometimes that lasts for as much as 2 weeks, then I'm back down again. I could go crazy worrying if I didn't just remember, I have a tool, I just have to use it. You now have the tool. It will be there for you as long as you take care of it. Again, follow your instructions. Then you'll know you aren't cheating.
   — Teri D.

October 9, 2002
Karen, this surgery wasn't going to work for me either. I just knew it. Every month I'd swear, OK, this is it, I'm done loosing. I'm 14 months post op and 16 lbs from my personal goal now (already reached my surgeons predicted goal)...I think I was wrong. It worked :) -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -134
   — KimBo36

October 10, 2002
Yes, after all the diet failures I have done, I worried to that this was just going to be another "fad" that wouldn't work. But now 7 months post-op I have lost 124 lbs and still loosing. Some days I still can hardly believe it. Just focus on the positive and getting in your protien and you will do great. Good luck.
   — Dell H.

November 22, 2002
Hi Karen...I am of the same mindset.....especially since I am destined to be a slow lose starting with a BMI 0f 40.7. I came hme from work after my 3rd wek post op and told my husband this wouldnt work for me because I had weighed myself at work and had not lost anything...I was comparing myself to all those folks with higher BMI's that seem to drop tons of weight initially. I am now at 35 days and have lost about 22 or so lbs...not as much as some, but its off none the less. I no longer weigh myself more than once a week because I just get frustrated. So hang in there obviously have lots of company :-) aloha , Keniki
   — Keniki B.

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