burning stomach
I have severe burning in my stomach that keeps me up all night, please please help, I have an appointment at the doctor, but not for 3 weeks, give me something that might help please, please, I am in lots of pain — tina T. (posted on October 7, 2002)
October 7, 2002
You should call your doctor and tell them you are in LOTS OF PAIN. They
should be able to get you in now. If not, see another doctor. Pain is
telling you something is not right and to get help. You may need pepsid or
something like it. However it may be something more serious. Don't wait 3
— Danmark
October 7, 2002
Tina, I would call the doctor's office and tell someone about the pain and
what you have done that relieves it. Does tums help? Does sitting up help?
Does a swallow of milk help? Does water help? I don't think I would be
comfortable waiting 3 weeks. I hope you get some relief soon. God
— garnet156
October 8, 2002
I also got sever burning in my tummy at night. My dr. gave a prescription
for Pepcid and I take one each night before bed. That seems to resolve the
problem. I would call and ask you doctors office if they could give you a
prescription for some and try it. If it helps great, if not.. call the doc.
and tell him you NEED to see him NOW
— Tami D.
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