Metformin for PCOS?

I had the RNY 17 months ago and have lost 191 lbs. so far. Hubby and I are trying to conceive but I was just diagnosed with PCOS (probably undiagnosed earlier because OB/GYN's want to blame everything on weight, rather than the other way around). Anyway, now that I am in an acceptable weight range, I have found a great reproductive endocrinologist who put me on Metformin for my PCOS. He said Metformin produces regular cycles in 50% of previously irregular women. Has anyone else been prescribed Metformin for PCOS? Did it work? How long did it take before your cycles became regular?    — Terissa R. (posted on September 6, 2002)

September 6, 2002
I was diagnosed with PCOS in October 2000. I am currently taking 2000mg of Metformin - and I have not gotten my period on my own yet. I am extremely overweight. I have also tried fertility drugs and they did not work. I think Metformin is the way they try to treat it first, good luck! has more info on PCOS Kristie
   — Kristie M.

September 6, 2002
Hi Teresa! My name is Karen and I'm 32 y.o. I was diagnosed w/PCOS 5 yrs ago and went through artificial inseminations, but i was having to do injections, unfortunatly the art.insem. did not work for me. I stopped infertility last August, and began my journey to have Lap RNY, which I will have on Monday 9/9. :) But..I started my cycles on my own (which I haven't done, since I 1st began a cycle at age 17) since February and have had one every month. I'm told because i'm not thinking about becoming pregnant. Go figure..:)..Hang In there, it will happen. :) Good luck.
   — Karen P.

September 6, 2002
I has having a problem with my cycles too. Well, I had stopped having them. My ob/gyn put me on the pill to regulate them. However, my internist knew of the problem and diagnosed it as PCOS. He sent me to an endocrinologist who did treat it with Glucophage XR (which is the time released form of Metformin)--1500mgs. The way I understood everything from my doctors--they were treating with metformin to help increase insulin sensitivity which was a symptom of the condition. Hopefully..this helps. Tiffany
   — Tiffany D.

September 7, 2002
Hi, I've been on Aldactone,Metformin combo to regulate PCOS. It took about 2 months until my cycles became regular.....getting pregnant was another story. I had invitro . Now have twin girls 4, and a son 2 from a frozen cycle ( transfer ) [email protected] if any ?????
   — TAMMY T.

September 7, 2002
I have had diagnosed PCOS for quite awhile. I probably have had it for even longer. My periods were never regular to begin with. It took us 18 months to get pregnant with my first daughter - we did not use any type of medication for her. I also was not as heavy - around 160# prior to getting pregnant - about 210# at delivery. My weight stayed around 200 and I stopped having periods. My Gyn kept putting me on Provera to induce a period. I did this off and on for quite a few years. My Gyn said I was not ovulating. Then he had me use the Provera for 7 months straight, on the 8th month I got pregnant (1990). My family doctor diagnosed me with PCOS and started me on Glucophage(metformin). It took about 3 - 4 months before my periods became regular. I currently take 500 mg in the am & 1000 mg at night. If you have any questions feel free to email me.
   — Kelly B.

September 7, 2002
I forgot to see what your current weight is. I was tried on a couple of meds including Metformin but couldn't tolerate the side effects (one of the reasons I REALLY wanted surgery). Since going below about 225 (I'm 5'7") I've had two regular periods. Not sure if it's the weight, the BMI or what, but I was irregular when I weighed a lot less. Also, I had the duodenal switch which may have something to do with it. Good luck!
   — Pamela B.

September 9, 2002
I take metformin 1700mg (850x2)for diabetes I have PCOS the only way I had a cycle was by taking medication for the last 11 years until this year after I was approved to have WLS I have had my cycle every month since. I also have gone to ferlity specialist who recomends clomid to conceive or shots (my family is as fertile as rabbits 7 siblings who all have 5-8 kids I would be happy with just one) i have articles some where as soon as i can find them i will send you the sites but they say up to 2000mg metformin helps not enough studies during pregnancy, stopping it too soon is believed to cause miscarriages(no medical proof most dont want to take the chance to find out)check out it might be of some help.May GOD help you on your journey its a tough road and does not always have the ending we want but anything is worth trying.I want to say its taken 11yrs to be able to say that I wish you the best of luck.
   — shady1

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