B12 shots

Those who take B12 shots. How manyy cc's and how often do you get it or give it to yourself.    — faybay (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 13, 2002
Hi Fay, I get 1 cc a week of B-12. Sometimes I give myself the shot & sometimes my DH gives me the shot. If I do it myself, I usually sit down and give it to myself in the upper thigh. Hope this helps. Good Luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

June 13, 2002
This is not in response, but rather in addition to the question. Does your physician give you a prescription for the B12 and for stuff to inject it with?
   — C. C.

June 13, 2002
I go in once a month for my B-12 shots, my doctor gives them to me, I'm unsure of the dosage; I just know that I feel much better afterwards!
   — Rosario T.

June 13, 2002
C. Chease, yes I got a prescription for the B-12. It comes in a little vial and you can get a year's supply or more for about $5 (with insurance covering part). I give myself one cc a month in the upper arm. It is easy as I use the little allergy syringes that don't hurt at all. You don't have to "jab" it in. Just gently push into the skin. I am a little concerned though because I have read that others give it intramuscular or into the muscle and this would take a bigger syringe. My doctor said to use the little tiny fine gauge needles. I do feel better when I have an injection and when it comes time to have another dosage, I can tell because I feel tired. The liquid is bright red just like the liquid kind you buy at GNC to take orally. I am sure there must be a difference in that kind and the kind you inject though. When I go to the doctor for it, he charges $60 for the office plus $11 for the injection! Much cheaper to do it at home. With the little syringes, you have no danger that I am aware of of accidentally hitting a vein or something as it just goes into the fat in the arm or leg. Does anyone have any input into why some say the injection should be into the muscle? By the way, my B-12 levels in my bloodwork are great!
   — Marilyn C.

June 13, 2002
IM gives 100% absorption, sub cu gives more like 80%. That's why the muscle. I can get 'em at my doc for "free", in that there's no copay with it, since he doesn't call it an office visit. But I have to GO, sit, wait for a chance, run down the hall... I can do it myself for under $10 per 3 months. I do thighs, and my husband & I do each other's arms. No big deal AT ALL. We get frequent labs and adjust our frequency based on that.
   — vitalady

June 14, 2002
I got a script for the B-12 and syringes. I give myself 1 cc every month. My 2 year supply of med was like 5 bucks and the syringes are 15 cents each. Pretty cheap. Alot cheaper than a docs visit and also cheaper than buying the sublingual kind.
   — Melody F.

June 20, 2002
I take an injection of 2cc each week. My B12 levels were low at my 6 month checkup and I wasn't getting any benefits from the tablets. So, I got a script for the B-12 and syringes from my doc and I give myself the injections (in the thigh area) each week. Since I've been taking the shots, I can tell a difference in my energy level. Good Luck.
   — Carrie S.

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