what is the importance of vitamin b-12
the bottle says for women of child bearing age and the health of unborn babies. if i am not having any more children then what is it used for in my body? — nikki R. (posted on June 3, 2002)
June 3, 2002
They mean the SUPPLEMENT is used to boost the B12 of those people. We all
need it, and normally, we can get it out of our food. It works much like
iron in our bodies. A severe deficiency results in Pernicious Anemia, which
will kill. WE (WLS) need it because we can no longer absorb it from food.
The B12 comes into us orally, but then USED to go into the old stomach and
join with Intrinsic Factor, and from thence be delivered to points needed
within the intestine. We don't have a way to make the B12 + IF mingle now,
so the absorption & delivery cannot take place as it once could. THAT's
why we have to supplement it. Some do sublingual with good effect, some
prefer shots.
— vitalady
June 5, 2002
The B-12 also will help keep your energy level up. I was having shots (1000
mcg) once per week from the doc. After my shot I was a real bundle of
— snowgems
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