Does any one have problems with there bowels

I am 13 months Post-Op open RNY.. I have lost 130 lbs. and love it, My weight has now stopped I am up 5 lbs. or down 5 pounds. I feel great most of the time, sometimes tired, but wouldn't go back to the old me for it. I have a question with out taking a laxative my bowels will not move, this has been since day one. I know I don't drink the water that I suppose to but I just can't drink that much, I can eat what I want and as of today I have never got sick or thrown up. Should I worry about my bowels or maybe this could be normal. Thanks    — T R. (posted on May 30, 2002)

May 29, 2002
Are you taking an iron supplement? A lot of people find that it constipates them. If so there are supplements out there that contain a stool softener that sometimes lessens the effect. I don't think that taking a laxative on a regular basis is good for you. Please talk to your doctor.
   — Virginia N.

May 30, 2002
I think a lot of us have this problem. Be sure to add fiber to your diet. Sometimes that falls by the wayside in a high protein diet. Some high fiber cereal (oatmeal or cold cereal) or fresh fruit every day will help keep things moving. I still only go every few days but have only gotten "stuck" once and want to make SURE that does not happen again! =P
   — ctyst

May 30, 2002
I have had problems also, one suggestion would be to try Cholase, a non-stimulant stool softener. My doc put me on that and it seems to be helping. I would definitely talk to your doctor about it. Congrats on your weight loss! :)
   — Mary M.

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