Please help me...

I had my surgery in early April. My mother died this past Sunday, and I am really hurting. My question is two-fold: 1. I am concerned that I won't be able to do what I need to maintain my health (I subsisted on LU cookies for a couple of days right after, and haven't been able to eat much since) and wonder if you have any tips to do things simply, and 2. If any one knows of a good on-line grief support group. I WILL make it to goal and I WILL do so healthfully, but right now I just need a little support from the WLS community. God's blessings to you all...    — rebeccamayhew (posted on May 24, 2002)

May 23, 2002
(((((((((((((( big hugs ))))))))))))))) I am really sorry . I have lost both my mother and my father and it is really hard. My prayers are with u at this time . Have faith ok and trust in God . I am sure Mom is there watching over you . she will always be there for u just reach inside your self and u will feel her there pushing you on to better things. Good luck on your journey :-)
   — sallie P.

May 23, 2002
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. If there is anything I/we can do don't hesitate to ask. I can't answer your question about support groups, but I am sure someone here can. Also take time for yourself. I would suggest getting some pre-made shakes like Atkin's. They are quick, easy, and don't taste too bad. But above all, take care of yourself.
   — Kendra A.

May 23, 2002
Hi, Rebecca. I just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear about your mother. My mom passed almost two years ago, so I know what you are going through. My mom was sick (Alzheimer's) for a long time, so we had the opportunity to say good-bye. I hope you did, too. God was good to us, He allowed my mom to remember all of us; she never forgot any of her family. I know right now your life probably feels like it has been turned upside down and things will never be the same. In a lot of ways, they won't. But once you get back into your normal routine, things will seem a little better and you may be able to eat again. As far as grief counseling, a lot of hospitals and groups like hospice offer free grief counseling. They may be able to help in that area, or tell you of a good online group. Once again, my deepest sympathies. I will pray for you and your family to experience God's peace "that passes all understanding" during this difficult time. God Bless.
   — KRISTI K.

May 24, 2002
My condolences to you! That's too bad. As far as your question regarding how to keep things simple so you can concentrate on grieving, you may want to try some liquid nutritional options like protein drinks, sugar-free carnation breakfasts, etc. The most important thing is to keep yourself hydrated. Food isn't nearly as important as water. So take your vitamins, drink a lot of water and don't worry so much about three meals a day. Eat what you can and ignore the rest.
   — Terissa R.

May 24, 2002
Rebecca- I am so sorry for your loss. My best friend just lost her mother so I know what she's going through. I am still pre-op but in the past when I have had hard depressing times and did not feel like eating, I relied on the drinks like carnation. I really didn't have any taste and just wanted to eat for the sake of getting some nutrition. The shakes were easy and I really didn't care about the taste or lack of solids anyway. Good luck to you and God bless. Also, I think you have a very good attitude about recognizing the problem. That's great to hear.
   — emilyfink

May 24, 2002
I am sorry to hear about your mother. I can't imagine how hard it is to lose someone that dear to you. I am sure your mom is watching over you. I know she would hate to see you not take care of yourself because she is gone. Be strong for her and her memory. Make a pledge to her that now you will do even more to be strong and healthy and do it as a tribute to her and her memory. She will be so proud of you. I'll say a prayer for you and your family to give you the strength you need to get through this.
   — Cindy M.

May 24, 2002
I too lost my Mom 5 years ago and it seems like yesterday. Just keep all her memories close in your heart and talk about her often. She did not leave you she is within you and always will be. Talk to her she will hear. She will give you the strength to go on with your life. God Bless and my deepedt sympathy....
   — Leah S.

May 24, 2002
Ah, my deepest condolences, Rebecca. Isn't the silence awful? When my Mom died, I was begging to hear her voice, just once more. Don't worry about your eating now. I didn't eat much for about a week after Mom died last Labor Day either. It didn't help that Dad died 5 days later. I ate when I was hungry and didn't pay it much attention and after about two weeks, my appetite returned even though my emotional state still has days when it is reeling (although those days are down to minutes now.) I don't know of an online grief support group, but I went to the local Unity church that had one and I know our area hospital has one. The live human contact was really helpful. You may want to call the spiritual counseling office of your nearest hospital. They can tell you what is available in your area. Just be gentle with yourself now. Remember that EVERYTHING you feel right now is perfectly ok...grief sucks, death sucks. It is however the most fair thing in the world because both will hit all of us sooner or later. Email me if you want, Rebecca.
   — merri B.

May 24, 2002
I'm so sorry to hear of this. My mom died 2 yrs ago May 27. She was packing for Vegas and planning her trip to Ireland when she got sick the 19th and was gone in a week. The docs told us right away that she only had days. Our heads were spinning! I had just experienced some pretty awful strains my life before that, so maybe it was a bit of a blessing that I was so shell shocked I could barely function when she got sick. I had JUST had my bout with Peeps, too, and gained & relost the gained wt, and was stable again. I was afraid that the stress I was under would make me eat, but then the overdose would make me NOT eat (feel too clamped down to take in food). I am it, the whole show in my family, so I HAD to be able to function, to make the arrangements, so take care of my dad who is not too well (but she'd been hiding it, so another shock). I had to get the whole food/eating thing totally out of the picture so I could deal with what was in front of me. I went strictly to protein drinks & protein bars (leap frogged all day) for the week that she was in the hospital, and a few days after, and started takin g Stress B (vites). Stress eats up your protein & your B-vites. No I didn't count the bars as protein, but I did ocount them as a meal. No decisions, no chocies to make. Feel hungry, insert bar. I just could NOT let food be an issue. If I wanted salad (they had a nice bar in the hospital), I ate it, but more as respite from sitting in the room. I guess I didn't want to be DISTRACTED by any food issues. I gradually went back onto food, keeping of course, the protein drinks & bars for bfast. I neither lost nor gained, which was correct for 5.5 yrs post-op. It might not have been perfect behavior, but it got me through with the elements I needed to keep going and did me no harm.
   — vitalady

May 24, 2002
Hi Rebecca, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. My mom died last year on Aug. 29th. She had been diagnosed with lung cancer in Jan. and after going through 6 months of chemo they said that her cancer was all gone and 2 months later it was back in her brain and she died in 2 weeks. It is very hard to lose a loved one but especially hard to lose our mom! They are someone that we can always count on and we know will always love us no matter what we do. You WILL make it to goal. Maybe you can do what I did and decide that this is something that you can do as a tribute to your mom because you know that she would have really supported you in your efforts. Best of luck to you during this hard time in your life. Try hard to remember all of the good times that you shared together, let them lift you up. Good luck on your weightloss journey. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

May 24, 2002
Thank you all for your kind, heartfelt answers to my questions/grief. There is a lot I am grateful for, mainly that I got to hold her hand to the end and tell her how much I love her. She was initially against WLS for me, but by the end was my biggest supporter. I am sad that she will not see me at goal weight, or know my children (that is, if I can ever get a date!) but in the great scheme of things, it's okay. Anyway, I appreciated all you had to say and will definitely do what I can to maintain my health, in her honor. With love...
   — rebeccamayhew

May 24, 2002
Rebecca, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my father 6 years ago and still find it hard to deal with occassionally. I have found something that seems to help a great deal - there is a show on Fox here called Crossing Over with John Edwards. Some people dont believe in this sort of thing and that's ok, but everytime I watch his show I hear something that makes me think of my Dad or another lost loved one. It's really very comforting to be able to remember the good times and the little moments in our lives that make us laugh. I firmly believe that those we love never really leave us, they just cross over to a dimension where we can't see them, but if we try hard enough we can feel them with us always. I'm sure your mom is watching over you and worried about your health as always. Do what you have to do at this time to get through it and when enough time has passed you'll be ready to get back to the business of following the WLS diet etc. God Bless You and remember even though the pain of loss never goes completely away it does get easier to deal with over time. Please feel free to email me if you need someone to talk to [email protected]
   — Elva C.

May 24, 2002
Rebecca, I'm so sorry for you loss. Death is never easy. I want you to know that all of us are here for you. If there is anything I can do for you, please email me. Love, Jen
   — Jennifer G.

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