How long after Lap RNY will I be able to go swimming?

I am having Lap Rny on June 4th. I have a trip planned for Galveston, Texas 3 weeks after surgery. Should I feel up for this trip? What about getting in the water? Not heaving swimming or anything but will I be able to just walk into the ocean? How about the swimming pool at the hotel? Thanks so much for your help! =)    — Cassy H. (posted on May 9, 2002)

May 9, 2002
My doctor informed me that I will not be able to swim for six weeks after surgery. He said I can submerge myself in water at two weeks out, but I am not supposed to swim or do water aerobics while I'm in the water.
   — Kelly M.

May 9, 2002
Swimming in the ocean just 3 weeks post-op probably isn't a good idea. A chlorinated swimming pool might be acceptable, but the bacteria and germs that harbor in the ocean could possibly cause a serious infection in or around your incision. I had a breast reduction two years ago and was told definitely NO SWIMMING in the ocean or a lake for at least 6-8 weeks (when we were sure the incision point had healed completely). I would recommend you discuss this with your physican.
   — Sue H.

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