stomach looks like a basketball

I had surgery open RNY, May 10,2001, almost a year ago, I am very pleased with my weight loss, I have lost 135 lbs, and from a 24 in pants to a 14,12, but I have a question about my stomach, it looks like a basketball I have a round belly, with a split in the middle, looks bad and sticks out like crazy. Has any one else have this problem. You can tell where my pants go because it is like a perment marker, with the ball hanging over the top and bottom of my stomach.I still feel fat even thought I have lost this weight. I don't know what to do, I exerise but can't shake the basketball.I know this sounds crazy but it is bothering me.    — T R. (posted on April 30, 2002)

April 30, 2002
This actually sounds like a hernia. Have you been checked out for that?
   — Terissa R.

April 30, 2002
You had surgery a year ago yet your profile says "Hoping to have Surgery"???? ;) Well I know what you mean about the "split in the middle". But I don't know what can be done about it.
   — Danmark

April 30, 2002
Panniculectomy may take care of that. I had multiple scars. If I looked down, it looked like a "butt" on my belly, not a stomach. I just had my panni & my stomach is FLAT! I still have scars from my breastbone to my pubic bone. I still have scars from hip to hip, actually, they went back in my bikini scar. BUT--it is ALL FLAT now. Thank goodness. I had to shop to fit the larger waist and everything was baggy in the legs. I'm still swollen, but I am very please. VERY pleased and very glad that I went thru with it, even tho once again ins. would not pay. It took my down a clothing size. They only removed 3 1/2 pounds of skin, but what a difference! Now, I am so happy about my -156 lbs.
   — Barbara B.

April 30, 2002
I am 10 months post-op, and have had this same problem since I was about 2 months post. My surgeon said I have weakend stomach muscles, that I should start doing tons of sit-ups. I started about 3 months ago, doing at least 50 sit-ups a day, and still have this huge bulge. I'm hoping the panni will take care of it! I too still feel very fat...I tried on a dress the other day that actually made me look pregnant. So, no, you don't sound crazy. And you're not the only one!
   — Becky H.

April 30, 2002
Hi, this might sound stupid but are you sure you are doing the sit ups right? there is a right way and a wrong way. stop in at a gym and ask a trainer. hope it helps, it sounds cheaper then a panini....(i thought that was a mlted italian sandwich?)...Robyn
   — robyn R.

April 30, 2002
Hi, this might sound stupid but are you sure you are doing the sit ups right? there is a right way and a wrong way. stop in at a gym and ask a trainer. hope it helps, it sounds cheaper then a panini....(i thought that was a mlted italian sandwich?)...Robyn
   — robyn R.

April 30, 2002
Some of us are just constructed that way. Me. At 129#, I could wear size 4's, BUT only if they had elastic waist. My hips were 33, waist was 31. Pretty square, huh? I did the TT and it made me MUCH more proportional. My mom & g-ma were the same. My mom's waist was approaching 50" when she died, yet she only weighed 145!!!! Apple bodies. Sigh
   — vitalady

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