What design would you suggest for an AMOS pin

I suggested a pin for those of us who do not wear T-Shirts and AMOS asked me for suggestions. Design is not one of my strong points, so I will leave it to you talented folks.    — faybay (posted on April 30, 2002)

April 30, 2002
what about having a heavy set person on the outside with a thin person on the inside. this would represent the smaller you trying to come out from your outer shell. you could have a man and/or woman or both, to represent togetherness in our journey.
   — Janice O.

April 30, 2002
A little too late. That's the story of my life. I had also thought about a pin and have a design and everything. Someone from AMOS can contact me and I can let them know. It's a little hard to explain but maybe I can scan it or something.
   — Cinna G.

April 30, 2002
i thought maybe a heavy person in the shape of a cocoon, and then a thinnner person resembling a butterfly, you know the transformation thing, i think that would be awesome.
   — Gale G.

April 30, 2002
I previously suggested a heart like the one on the website, it could either have the WLS or AMOS on it.
   — C H.

April 30, 2002
I would like the WLS logo with the hands shaking in the middle of the heart. It is subtle.
   — Jennifer Y.

April 30, 2002
I like the first post about a thin person in a fat persons body and also the cocoon idea! Although, you should try to get the word AMOS in there somewhere! Great idea!
   — Kristin R.

April 30, 2002
I like all the ideas, but pins are not my thing. I would love to see one of these ideas as a pendant for a neclace, though! THAT I would probably buy!
   — Laura B.

April 30, 2002
How about a thin person running passing a torch with the AMOS on it to a chubby runner?? Both have smiles on their faces.Both runners surounded within a heart shape symbol.
   — Laura G.

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